Sunday, March 24, 2013

Back In Brisbane

We are all together again.  I cannot express in words how wonderful it is to have and hold my family close again.  We have only been apart a week but in hard times it feels like a month. Don and Jack arrived at Buderim this morning at about 5am after dropping Gran home in Bundaberg. Fourteen hours of driving means that we could all drive to Brisbane together this morning.

Sam had his pre-surgery bloods today, which as you know is quite traumatic for him.  Having his Dad and big brother here, helped to give him extra strength.  He also had a chest x-ray. It is amazing to see his sternum wire together in 8 different places in the x-ray.

Sam will fast from 6am tomorrow and we will be over at the hospital again at 6.15am.  They are trying to get him in to surgery tomorrow but it may also be Tuesday.  We just have to wait and see. While he's in surgery and under anaesthetic they will also remove the dressings from his groin where the catheter entry point was and two of the heart rate dots that he refuses to remove. 

And this afternoon we are trying to do as little as possible, just enjoying each other's company.

Can I just say thank you to all of you who are helping us. Sam's heart journey is a whole community affair.  People who pray for us, offer us help, make things for us, help us financially, look after us, love us, visit us, call us, message, people who are just there to talk to, people who show us random kindness and care. We love each one of you and I want you to know that without you our journey would be a very frightening and lonely place. 


Anonymous said...

Been praying for you and really wanted to encourage you with this hymn
Felt like God wanted to give you these words at this time. Love Katie (yvv)

Nicole Watson said...

Thank you Katie, I love that Hymn. It is so resolute and filled with His strength. We are so blessed by your prayers. It's hard to explain the sense of peace, and dare I say joy, that fills our hearts tonight, depsite what tomorrow may bring.

Melissa Baker said...

In my prayers also. Gorgeous boys xx

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