And not only was I blessed by all that God had to give me but I was able to bless others as well. I was able to speak to many wonderful women; some hurting, others inspired, some searching, others rejoicing along side us. Sam's Heart went to over 20 new homes. It amazes me that God provided this opportunity to share our journey with others and I had an absolute ball doing it.
Monday, May 30, 2011
One Voice Christian Women's Conference
I had the most beautiful and humbling weekend at the conference. I was blessed by the setting, the beauty and love that was put into the organisation of the event. I was blessed by the amazing speakers. I was blessed by the new friends that I made, some of which we specifically placed there by God himself. I can't possibly tell you all of the things that God spoke to me about over the weekend, but I will process it with Him, and hopefully be able to share some of it soon.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I'm In A Relationship
Spending time with God is the greatest gift mankind has ever been given. The fact that Jesus reconciled us back into a relationship with God is miraculous; the evidence of a merciful and loving God. I have had people ask about spending time with God. I use that term frequently when I write about him...which is also frequent.
Being a Christian is all about one thing
I know Jesus more and more each day because I spend time talking to him and he talks with me. We sit in each other's company and listen to music, write on the computer and just enjoy each other. I consume the Bible, not just read it. I read a portion and then ask God to tell me more about it, teaching me by his Holy Spirit. I speak about him with my friends and those around me. I share with other Christians in times of singing, learning, encouraging and listening (sometimes known as church). He is the first one on my mind in the morning and last one on my mind before I sleep. At times our relationship is loud and visible and at other times, quiet and reflective, different in every season but constant in it's faithfulness. He guides my decisions because I ask him about most things (I would like to say everything here, but I am honest). He teaches me how to love my children and how to bring them up to glorify him. He teaches me to love my husband in a more perfectm complete and passionate way, because I ask him too. The closer we grow to God,the more our marriage prospers.
It is so simple to know God and be saved by Jesus,to become a new creation. People search and look to religion to fill the void that is in their hearts when what they really long for is a relationship that was lost right back in the garden of Eden, the relationship with their Creator God who loves them. They try to complicate the simplicity of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, by adding traditions and religious practices that God has never intended.
Spirit to Spirit relationship with God is only made possible when you are a Christian. As your Spirit and Holy Spirit become more and more entwined, love and every other good things flow over into your soul and then to your body. People begin to notice their is a change in you, a peace you didn't have before, a joy that remains even in the tough times, a faith that surpasses all knowledge.
This is what it mean to know the living God. This is why I delight in every day,even when it looks to be a mess on the outside. Yes, I am in a relationship that will stand the test of time. God is a keeper, when you give him your life, he will never let you go.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Overcoming Doubt
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.(Matthew 7:7)
I wonder if you have ever heard anything similar. When I hear words like these I know they are not from God, because they do not line up with the Bible. The are lies to keep me defeated and make me feel unworthy before God. God will never speak outside of His Word. He does not lie. The only thing the enemy can do, is lie. It is his nature to try and drag me down. If I let myself believe his lies, my faith is eroded, and slowly but surely I would give up hope.
I am always filled with hope when I read the story of the gentile woman in the book of Matthew. You can read the story in Chapter 15, verses 21-28.
This woman comes running to Jesus pleading, begging and probably crying for the deliverance of her daughter, who is plagued by evil spirits. She knows that she is not worthy. She is not a Jew but she is desperate and has a glimmer of faith burning deep down in her soul.
Jesus hears her and keeps walking. He says nothing. The disciples try to turn her away but still she persists. She has no other hope.
Jesus stops and tells her he has come to help the Jews at this time, not the Gentiles. He explains that he can not take the food he has been given for the children and feed it to the dogs. Israel was God's chosen nation, his children.
The woman mustered up all of the courage and faith she had and spoke '...even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.'
Jesus beams with delight! He holds her, looks deep into her eyes and tells her that her faith is great! Her request is granted.' And from that moment on her child is instantly healed.
Cradles my face in his warm loving hands.
Looks deeply into my eyes, the recesses of my soul.
Smiles with a grin brighter than the midday sun.
And whispers to me,
'I love you my beautiful child. Your faith is great. Your request is granted'
And Sam will be healed from that very moment. It will be complete.
Often when I pray about Sam's healing, it is very quickly followed by a niggling doubt. That doubt is something like this.
'You can't keep asking God for the same things over and over. You are like an annoying child who just nags and nags and nags. Don't think because you keep asking, that it will mean you get anything. If I were God I would turn my back on you and walk away. You are so annoying! He is God, he can say no when he wants to. So just give up will you! If he wanted to help you, he would have done it already.'
I wonder if you have ever heard anything similar. When I hear words like these I know they are not from God, because they do not line up with the Bible. The are lies to keep me defeated and make me feel unworthy before God. God will never speak outside of His Word. He does not lie. The only thing the enemy can do, is lie. It is his nature to try and drag me down. If I let myself believe his lies, my faith is eroded, and slowly but surely I would give up hope.
I am always filled with hope when I read the story of the gentile woman in the book of Matthew. You can read the story in Chapter 15, verses 21-28.
This woman comes running to Jesus pleading, begging and probably crying for the deliverance of her daughter, who is plagued by evil spirits. She knows that she is not worthy. She is not a Jew but she is desperate and has a glimmer of faith burning deep down in her soul.
Jesus hears her and keeps walking. He says nothing. The disciples try to turn her away but still she persists. She has no other hope.
Jesus stops and tells her he has come to help the Jews at this time, not the Gentiles. He explains that he can not take the food he has been given for the children and feed it to the dogs. Israel was God's chosen nation, his children.
The woman mustered up all of the courage and faith she had and spoke '...even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.'
Jesus beams with delight! He holds her, looks deep into her eyes and tells her that her faith is great! Her request is granted.' And from that moment on her child is instantly healed.
May we all have the faith of this woman. We should have more courage, be more bold because we are children of God. We do not wait beneath the table for the scraps. God wants to hand us his delights on a silver platter. He wants to give us his best, because he loves us. And so now, when I spend time with God and shower love upon him, I ask him boldly for what I need and I tell him my heart's desires and my dreams. I will no be deterred by worldly doubts and insecurities. They do not exist in God's Kingdom.
And as I plead with God and grow in faith, love and hope with him, I long for the day when..
He lifts me to my feet.
Cradles my face in his warm loving hands.
Looks deeply into my eyes, the recesses of my soul.
Smiles with a grin brighter than the midday sun.
And whispers to me,
'I love you my beautiful child. Your faith is great. Your request is granted'
And Sam will be healed from that very moment. It will be complete.
And I will dance before God for all the world to see, because he loves me, he hears me and he answers me.
It's just around the bend...
Hearing God's Voice,
Monday, May 23, 2011
Come Follow Me
When you spend all day with your children, you begin to realise that they think very differently to the way adults do. Their thoughts are simple and at the same time complex. I am often set back on my heels by their questions or logic. I just thought I would share today's wisdom from God, through the mouth of my 5 year old son.
We had a house inspection today (another one) and as we cleaned the house, and then packed the boys into the car, we talked about how we are selling our house. None of this is new to them, it has been on the market since November last year. We explained that we weren't shutting the gate, because a lady was coming to look through our home, and if she likes it, she might buy it. We headed down to the coffee shop to wait, as it was pouring down rain outside. After a lively tea break we we buckling back into the car when Jack asked me...
'Which home are we going to now?'
Now I know we travel a bit, and we have moved around since Jack was born, but this threw me until...
'Back to our home around the corner at Pittsworth. What do you mean honey?'
'But you said we were selling our house.'
The penny dropped
'Oh, I see what you mean. No darling, it takes months to sell a home, it's not like going to the grocery store.'
'Oh ok then, that's good because all my clothes are still there.'
When we left our home, Jack thought that was it. It was sold along with everything in it. There was no tantrums about leaving his toys, clothes and his new scooter. He didn't even blink. He just trusted me enough to get into the car and go and have coffee. Where our family is, is his home. That is faith perfected. That is the kind of trust I want to have with my Father in Heaven.
I make things much too complicated. I question God. I want to know how things will work out. Can I at least have a time frame?
When we placed our house on the market last year , I was convinced that it would sell lightening fast. I was wrong, God had other plans. I wanted everything to happen quickly. He asked me to wait. And so now I wait and spend time having coffee with God. Enjoying his company, keeping my eyes fixed on his face. Where He is, is my home. I don't want to live anywhere else.
NEWS: I would ask you to pray with us. We have signed a contract on our home subject to sale of another property, and there is also someone waiting for that contract to end (in 21 days) to make an offer on our home. Can you ask for God's will to be done and for the right buyer to get our home. We know God is moving us on, so that we can follow His call to serve with MAF. Your prayer over the next month would be valued beyond measure. Thank you my friends. :)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
(Sam is not featured in this video)
The butterflies in this film are fear and anxiety.
The tiger is Sam's spirit, courage poured out by the Spirit of God.
We have been here...the sights and sounds bring a lump to my throat...and a tear to my eye. Just wanted to share so that you can understand a little more where we have been, and why I know where I am going.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Swallowing Sin
This was not an easy post to write. It was more difficult than most because it speaks of sin and no one wants to hear about sin today. Sin is seen to be negative and uninspiring, so often talking about it, is swept under the rug along with the truth, in fear of offending somebody. In fact it's unlikely that I will get many comments on this post due to it's message.
Did you know that carrying around sin is toxic? Carrying around sin is like swallowing a bitter pill. It spreads throughout your system quickly causing chaos in spirit, soul, and body.
Spirit (Faith, Hope and Love- Our most inner being which connects with God.)
When you are born again, and a child of God, Jesus has freed you from the bondage of sin. However the choices you make determine how you will live. Holy Spirit guides you, but if you choose to walk outside His counsel, your hearing will become clouded and your spirit darkened as you move away from light and truth. People often say 'God can't hear my prayers' or 'I don't hear God's voice'. Remember back to the last time you did hear him clearly. Did you do what he asked? If not, you may find that disobedience could be causing the dull hearing. He hasn't left you but you may have left him.
And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.(Romans 8:2)
But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) (Romans 8:9)
Soul (Our imagination, memory, reason and emotions)
Our soul is a battleground. We long to live as Holy Spirit guides us and yet we struggle with the day to day tasks that are put before us. This is why knowing God's Word is vital. The truths contained therein are not suggestions, they are essential to you making the right decisions. Choices that will both honour God and prosper your soul.
Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. (1 Peter 2:11)
So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. (Romans 7:23)
Body (Our soul and spirit's current home)
The body is where all of the telltale signs of sin manifest. And often is is through the pain our bodies feel that we are alerted to the imbalance within. The aim is to recognise sin in our soul before it becomes reality in our bodies. As Paul so aptly puts it " Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.(Romans 12:2)
And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. (Romans 8:10)
When I refused to confess my sin,my body wasted away,and I groaned all day long.(Psalm 32:3)
Because of your anger, my whole body is sick;my health is broken because of my sins.(Psalm 38:3)
Here is an example from my life in the past week:
I notice that I have really tense shoulders and the beginnings of a migraine headache. Holy Spirit reminds me that I have been worrying about all of the things I need to do and get done. I realise that I have been sleeping with tension in my shoulders, not able to sleep because my mind won't rest. My mind is a part of my soul, which is under a barrage of thoughts that do not originate with God but with my own desire to get the job done. I have effectively walked away from God and chosen to do things my own way. The origin of my pain is sin.
The remedy is not Asprin alone. I need to get to the root of the problem, confess my rebellion, spend some time with God, ask for his peace and direction and place everything back in his hands. I need to control my mind and trust God.
The result is more sleep, relaxed shoulders, a pain free head and a heart full of peace, knowing that I am in the will of God.
All illness is a result of sin, the original sin in the garden of Eden. Before then, there was no illness. I am not saying that all of the pain and disease in our life is a direct result of our personal sin, Jesus never said that. In fact when he healed the blind man, he shot that suggestion down in flames.
What I am suggesting is that we begin to take responsibility for our sin. Ask God's specific forgiveness and let him cover us with his love and grace. Not only will it draw us closer to him but it may allow us to walk a life that is less of a slave to sin, and more a life of victory that God intended us to have.
Did you know that carrying around sin is toxic? Carrying around sin is like swallowing a bitter pill. It spreads throughout your system quickly causing chaos in spirit, soul, and body.
Spirit (Faith, Hope and Love- Our most inner being which connects with God.)
When you are born again, and a child of God, Jesus has freed you from the bondage of sin. However the choices you make determine how you will live. Holy Spirit guides you, but if you choose to walk outside His counsel, your hearing will become clouded and your spirit darkened as you move away from light and truth. People often say 'God can't hear my prayers' or 'I don't hear God's voice'. Remember back to the last time you did hear him clearly. Did you do what he asked? If not, you may find that disobedience could be causing the dull hearing. He hasn't left you but you may have left him.
And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.(Romans 8:2)
But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) (Romans 8:9)
Soul (Our imagination, memory, reason and emotions)
Our soul is a battleground. We long to live as Holy Spirit guides us and yet we struggle with the day to day tasks that are put before us. This is why knowing God's Word is vital. The truths contained therein are not suggestions, they are essential to you making the right decisions. Choices that will both honour God and prosper your soul.
Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. (1 Peter 2:11)
So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. (Romans 7:23)
Body (Our soul and spirit's current home)
The body is where all of the telltale signs of sin manifest. And often is is through the pain our bodies feel that we are alerted to the imbalance within. The aim is to recognise sin in our soul before it becomes reality in our bodies. As Paul so aptly puts it " Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.(Romans 12:2)
And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. (Romans 8:10)
When I refused to confess my sin,my body wasted away,and I groaned all day long.(Psalm 32:3)
Because of your anger, my whole body is sick;my health is broken because of my sins.(Psalm 38:3)
Here is an example from my life in the past week:
I notice that I have really tense shoulders and the beginnings of a migraine headache. Holy Spirit reminds me that I have been worrying about all of the things I need to do and get done. I realise that I have been sleeping with tension in my shoulders, not able to sleep because my mind won't rest. My mind is a part of my soul, which is under a barrage of thoughts that do not originate with God but with my own desire to get the job done. I have effectively walked away from God and chosen to do things my own way. The origin of my pain is sin.
The remedy is not Asprin alone. I need to get to the root of the problem, confess my rebellion, spend some time with God, ask for his peace and direction and place everything back in his hands. I need to control my mind and trust God.
The result is more sleep, relaxed shoulders, a pain free head and a heart full of peace, knowing that I am in the will of God.
All illness is a result of sin, the original sin in the garden of Eden. Before then, there was no illness. I am not saying that all of the pain and disease in our life is a direct result of our personal sin, Jesus never said that. In fact when he healed the blind man, he shot that suggestion down in flames.
What I am suggesting is that we begin to take responsibility for our sin. Ask God's specific forgiveness and let him cover us with his love and grace. Not only will it draw us closer to him but it may allow us to walk a life that is less of a slave to sin, and more a life of victory that God intended us to have.
Are you ready to walk in victory? I know I am
No I can't jump like this. But you get the idea, right?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Today was Jack's first day at the skate park. I was not there to witness the momentous occasion as I had taken some Mum only time, and left Don and the boys up to their devices. (truthfully looking at the pictures was enough to make me nervous).
I love that boys (and men) crave adventure. I love that even though they are afraid they are willing to throw it all on the line and give it a go. Courage comes in many different forms. Many times courage is a gift that grows. I think of Gideon, I think of Joshua, I think of Moses, I think of Simon Peter and all of them have one thing in common-they were fearful in the beginning. They lacked courage but they trusted God, and when you trust God, he gives you courage that can't be measured by earthly measures.
All of the courageous men mentioned above stood at the tip of a precipice like Jack below. They all questioned themselves.
'Can I do this?'
God says 'No, you can't. But I can if you trust me.
They took a leap of faith, trusting in someone bigger than themselves and took the plunge. It was thrilling, terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time and they watched God keep his promises to them again and again.
They fell down, made mistakes and disappointed God, but he forgave them and restored them, putting them back on their feet.
And through the turmoil and the pain, they found renewed strength and greater courage because they found they could trust the One that held them in the palm of His hand.
I love that boys (and men) crave adventure. I love that even though they are afraid they are willing to throw it all on the line and give it a go. Courage comes in many different forms. Many times courage is a gift that grows. I think of Gideon, I think of Joshua, I think of Moses, I think of Simon Peter and all of them have one thing in common-they were fearful in the beginning. They lacked courage but they trusted God, and when you trust God, he gives you courage that can't be measured by earthly measures.
All of the courageous men mentioned above stood at the tip of a precipice like Jack below. They all questioned themselves.
'Can I do this?'
God says 'No, you can't. But I can if you trust me.
They took a leap of faith, trusting in someone bigger than themselves and took the plunge. It was thrilling, terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time and they watched God keep his promises to them again and again.
They fell down, made mistakes and disappointed God, but he forgave them and restored them, putting them back on their feet.
And through the turmoil and the pain, they found renewed strength and greater courage because they found they could trust the One that held them in the palm of His hand.
And those around them watched and prasied God for his faithfulness. They learned through the good times and the bad that he would never leave them. That they could trust in God to give them all they need, even courage.
This afternoon Jack and Sam watched 'The Miracles of Jesus' on DVD. As Jesus healed the man with leprosy, Jack was filled with excitement and courageously yelled out 'See Sam, I told you Jesus can fix your heart!' He hugged Sam on the arm and Sam said 'Hmm mm' nodding his head in agreement. They smiled at each other and then went back to watching the movie.
God increase my faith, increase my measure of courage and hold me firmly in your grasp. Forgive me when I jump out of your hand and try and do it my own way. Thank you that you are faithful to always pick me up and restore me. I pray that your name is praised for my obedience. I love you Father.
Monday, May 16, 2011
A Day of Abundant Love and Renewed Vows
I guess when you read the title to this post you may have thought we had attended a wedding. Although weddings are very beautiful, what I wish to share with you now is just as beautiful in it's splendor.
Yesterday we had the most amazing church meeting. As my dear friend Jess and I led the worship, God broke through to our hearts, his glory came and tears flowed thick and fast while we praised his holy name. Holy Spirit was so beautiful, so close, all I could do was weep and tell him how much I love him.
Throughout the whole service God was so present that we felt like we were seated in heaven, such a peace filled the room, our hearts, our minds.
After the meeting a dear man in our church came to me and hugged me tight. He had tears in his eyes when he released me. I have great respect for this man because he has a servants heart and is gentle and kind. Looking into my eyes, his own welling with tears, his voice came strained and emotion filled,
"Your little boy is going to be healed. God spoke and said to me that he is going to heal him and it will begin very soon. It will be gradual, not overnight. He showed me a graph with a straight line rising smoothly on the graph, there were no bumps. He will be healed and there will be no more obstacles."
I started to cry, with great joy and relief. I hugged this man to within an inch of his life. God shared this with him two weeks ago in our church prayer meeting. I shared with him how in the last two weeks I have been under the most tremendous attack from the lies of the enemy (read here), and now I understood why. God was moving and the devil was stepping up the game. Praise God I held fast. Praise God he gives us the strength to endure. Praise God that he is healing our little Sam!
I can't tell you how much this Word from God meant to me. He knew the condition of my heart, and he has told us what he is going to do. We wait in great anticipation for his words to be fulfilled. God's vow to heal Sam has been renewed in my heart. I feel like I have a fresh portion of faith instilled deep within my soul and it is dancing with great excitement. We have entered a new season.
Yesterday we had the most amazing church meeting. As my dear friend Jess and I led the worship, God broke through to our hearts, his glory came and tears flowed thick and fast while we praised his holy name. Holy Spirit was so beautiful, so close, all I could do was weep and tell him how much I love him.
Throughout the whole service God was so present that we felt like we were seated in heaven, such a peace filled the room, our hearts, our minds.
After the meeting a dear man in our church came to me and hugged me tight. He had tears in his eyes when he released me. I have great respect for this man because he has a servants heart and is gentle and kind. Looking into my eyes, his own welling with tears, his voice came strained and emotion filled,
"Your little boy is going to be healed. God spoke and said to me that he is going to heal him and it will begin very soon. It will be gradual, not overnight. He showed me a graph with a straight line rising smoothly on the graph, there were no bumps. He will be healed and there will be no more obstacles."
I started to cry, with great joy and relief. I hugged this man to within an inch of his life. God shared this with him two weeks ago in our church prayer meeting. I shared with him how in the last two weeks I have been under the most tremendous attack from the lies of the enemy (read here), and now I understood why. God was moving and the devil was stepping up the game. Praise God I held fast. Praise God he gives us the strength to endure. Praise God that he is healing our little Sam!
I can't tell you how much this Word from God meant to me. He knew the condition of my heart, and he has told us what he is going to do. We wait in great anticipation for his words to be fulfilled. God's vow to heal Sam has been renewed in my heart. I feel like I have a fresh portion of faith instilled deep within my soul and it is dancing with great excitement. We have entered a new season.
Since Easter we have noticed a huge improvement in Sam's appetite and he is gaining weight which is a great sign. I wonder what we will see next?
And while we wait...
I will praise him loud and clear. Because I can't help it! Because I will burst out of my skin if I can't share the love that is burning like a roaring fire in my spirit.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Legacy
What do you most desire to leave as a legacy for your children?
When you think about what you would leave for your children, do you think of trust accounts, an education fund or family mementos? While it may be well and good to prepare these things, I am thinking of something a little more eternal.
What are your highest hopes for your children?
Children watch very carefully. I am a teacher, I see them watch the world around them. Especially their parents.
I desire for the legacy I build for my children to not be bound to their younger years, but be a solid rock from which they can build their own faith and a life eternal. I believe the only way to do this is to practice what we preach. Our boys pray and praise with us, in good times and bad. They see God fight for them again and again. They see God say yes. They see God tell us to wait. They see him say no. And in every situation they learn about the nature of God and why we love him so much.
For the Lord grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.
He guards the path of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.
(Proverbs 2:6-8)
I do not pretend to know how to raise my children. This is the first and only time I get. I don't get a re-run if it falls in a heap. So I want to know that I am trusting in in someone bigger than myself. Someone who knew our children before we conceived them and who knows their future. The best and only thing I can promise them as a legacy, is my walk with God, my love and care of them, and my encouragement to walk in godly faith.
If we are honest with God and walk in integrity, we will be granted common sense to deal with the day to day challenges, and God will protect both us and our children because we put our faith in Him. God only wants the absolute best for his children, so I trust him with both my life and the lives of my children.
What is the greatest treasure you hope to give your children?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Jack's First Soccer Game
This short video is for all of our family that live so far away. We just had to share. Jack's second wobbly tooth finally fell when he bit into an orange slice just before the game began. Go Pittsworth Vikings Under 7's!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Interview on Moments For Mum
Come on over to Moments for Mum and read my interview! Click on the photo below to get there.
Make sure you leave a comment to brighten my day :)
Make sure you leave a comment to brighten my day :)
Trio (Part 2)
(To better understand this post please read the one before it :) Thanks )
The fear and doubt that has been plaguing me came in the form of unrelenting whispers such as;
Sam will not ever be healed.
You have written a book professing that he will be healed, and he won't. What a joke!
No one is going to be changed by reading your story, it isn't really that special.
The world will laugh at you for your beliefs, God doesn't always want to heal.
Shut up, shut up, shut up, In the name of precious Jesus get out!
This fear was dealt a massive blow last night when God turned up in my bedroom and enveloped me in his strong warm warms and I felt his peace flood my mind and body. I slept like a baby in my Father's arms last night. I know it won't be the end of the fight, but God won this battle. You see when you do something big for God, like share your heart, your family and you obey him with blind obedience, the enemy will come in like a flood.
We have a God that is bigger than the flood and the fire!
When the enemy comes with his lies, don't entertain them in your mind, as I did this week. Be prepared with the Word of God in your heart and stand firm. Speak out his Word and his promises and God will do the rest.
Sam will be healed. It is by Jesus' stripes we are healed. Jesus came so that we could have life and life more abundantly. He heals the sick and the lame, the heartbroken and the lost. He will restore my son and we will praise God now in the midst of it!
The book will be read because God ordained it written. It will speak to hearts and transform lives by the power of Holy Spirit.
People may choose to laugh at my faith in God (even those closest to me), but I will stand firm through the fire and pray and bless them. Bless them and pray for them to know God who saved me and gives me life everlasting.
And now for this minute, I dwell in God's perfect peace.
The fear and doubt that has been plaguing me came in the form of unrelenting whispers such as;
Sam will not ever be healed.
You have written a book professing that he will be healed, and he won't. What a joke!
No one is going to be changed by reading your story, it isn't really that special.
The world will laugh at you for your beliefs, God doesn't always want to heal.
Shut up, shut up, shut up, In the name of precious Jesus get out!
This fear was dealt a massive blow last night when God turned up in my bedroom and enveloped me in his strong warm warms and I felt his peace flood my mind and body. I slept like a baby in my Father's arms last night. I know it won't be the end of the fight, but God won this battle. You see when you do something big for God, like share your heart, your family and you obey him with blind obedience, the enemy will come in like a flood.
We have a God that is bigger than the flood and the fire!
When the enemy comes with his lies, don't entertain them in your mind, as I did this week. Be prepared with the Word of God in your heart and stand firm. Speak out his Word and his promises and God will do the rest.
The book will be read because God ordained it written. It will speak to hearts and transform lives by the power of Holy Spirit.
People may choose to laugh at my faith in God (even those closest to me), but I will stand firm through the fire and pray and bless them. Bless them and pray for them to know God who saved me and gives me life everlasting.
And now for this minute, I dwell in God's perfect peace.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I was listening to a message today, and as I did God began to speak to me about faith. Faith is the appearance and reality of God's Word in our own Spirit. Faith grows through trusting God and seeing his goodness and faithfulness unfold in your everday life. The only way to grow your faith is by the Word of God and Holy Spirits guidance. It is a spiritual experience, not something that is a product of our hands and feet.
In the midst of this God began to show me a field of clover. The clover was thick in parts and in other parts, beautiful green lawn was apparent. He showed me how the clover was strangling the grass. How the lawn needed light to thrive and grow, and how the clover was slowly spreading over the top of the grass, blocking out the light. As the grass was covered in darkness, it died leaving only the clover.
I then looked carefully at the clover and I noticed it had three distinct leaves.
God then spoke to my heart:
Faith is just like this field of vibrant green lawn. It relies on the light (My Word) to grow and flourish, it is watered by the morning dew (My Spirit). The clover is sin. It is a viscious unrelenting weed suffocating the life out our you faith. The leaves of the clover are three in number-fear, doubt and unbelief. Fear doubt and unbelief rob you of your faith. The enemy uses them without mercy to plant seeds in your mind and when you believe them, the clover grows, destroying the growth of your faith. My Word is trustworthy and true. I am faithful and my promises are always fulfilled. Do not allow the enemy to plant these seeds in your spirit. The unholy trio of fear, doubt and unbelief must be dealt with strongly and quickly. Clover is a seasonal plant, it dies when the Summer comes. So let the Word of God shine brightly and let my Spirit water you daily and soon the season will pass and the weed will be no more.
Recently I have been battling fear head on, and when I let the fear in, doubt quickly followed. Thankfully I have a loving and faithful God who speaks to me and saves me when I call out to him. I wonder if you will pray for me to overcome this season, with his strength. I wonder if you too go through seasons such as this? Sharing my weakness is not an easy thing to do, but I will do it for his glory. And perhaps God's words and my honesty will somehow help you, in your own walk with him.
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1)
A Great Review For Sam's Heart
To God be the Glory

Thanks Nicole for your honest and sometimes raw expression of the human spirit, throughout the trials and triumphs of this journey. Nicole shares that through faith and obedience, God's promises are real and He never fails to deliver on them. Continual prayer and unfailing trust, reveals the heart of God to this family, they and those around them see (sometimes in utter amazement)God working miracles every day. The smallest details, timed perfectly were crafted into the plans for the journey this family entrusted completely to God. Their are many times you can feel the pain and frustration this family experienced, then you read on to share in the triumph of God delivering them from the 'storm', saving them from the 'fire'. To God be the Glory! You will not be able to put this book down.
By Kellie.K, 10 May 2011
You can read this review and more online here. Click on the reviews tab.
Monday, May 9, 2011
A New Take on Footprints
On our recent trip to the coast God has been speaking to me about footprints. The picture below represents my life before I knew God. There were many different paths, some long, some short, some went in circles and most had no sure ending. The footprints were confusing and choices were based on my previous understandings and experiences. Following that maze of footprints was a game of chance, which always led me away from my true purpose. And although it seemed fun at the time, I was worn out, tired and just wanted to find the right path; the footsteps that were tried and true. The ones that would lead me on with certainty.
When I gave my life to God, all of the other footsteps dissolved away like the ebb and tide of the sea had smoothed them away. One set of solid footsteps remained. They were tested, true and strong in their conviction. They were a narrow set of footprints, unlike the maze I was used to following. They were ordered by the Word of God, my map of sorts, so I know that they are not based soley on my previous expeirences. They are the footprints of many before me. The footpints of a loving and merciful God, who did not leave us to meander through the wilderness, but gave us a path and map. He also gave us the Holy Spirit who helps us to read and understand the map and guide us when the tide threatens to pull us off the path. I know I am not alone on this path, God is with me, in me, each and every step of the way.
Our paths may vary in their terrain but the footprints remain the same. All God asks of us, is to love him and others around us and obey his words. Each day, one foot after the other is what he is looking for. My path is not mundane by any account, in fact it is action packed. There is no boredom and lack of freedom in loving God. He is the One who made freedom possible.
You see when I used to follow the footprints in the first photo I had no idea where I was going. Now I do. And my path doesn't end with death but life everlasting.
Which footprints do you follow? Who made the footprints you follow? Do you trust them with your life?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Fabulous and Five
Warning: Photo Overload!
What a fabulous weekend. The QT Gold Coast beckoned us on Thursday night where we enjoyed room service in our little home away from home, caught up with long missed friends and enjoyed a delectable breakfast in the market place style restaurant. We saw our food being cooked before our eyes and got to sample the aroma enticing buffet of delights. They even had the meat hanging in view and the boys comments on the 'tatoos' on the pig and lamb hanging from hooks. It was like stepping out of Australia into the Middle East. We loved it.
Friday morning we had photos taken for Indulge e-Magazine. Our article and photos will appear in the second half of this year. This meant that we got to spend the morning in the bright and beautiful Broadwater. After the photos the boys relished in swimming in the series of kids rock pools which have been recently finished. A kids paradise!
Then up to the Sunshine Coast to celebrate Jack's 5th birthday with our family. Bow and arrows, cap gun and scooter were all very welcome gifts.
Ten pin bowling too...
Down to Noosa Heads to enjoy the beach for the morning. Isn't he handsome? So blessed.
Jack and Sam had a wonderful time with family in the afternoon, playing superheroes, soccer and riding scooters and bikes.
A weekend away. A time of celebration and new adventures; a time of changes. Thank you God.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Whispers To My Heart - I Fight For You
Father God says, "I will rescue those who love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer,
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honour them..."
Only keep your eyes firmly fixed on me and everything else will work together for my glory. Everything that you need and are concerned about will be given to you, as you seek my face. You do not need to fix anything or anyone, that is my job. You must love me, love them and be obedient to me, that is your job. Remember that my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. Be encouraged my daughter, I am your Champion, there is no need to fight for my honour. I am the one who delivers you. (Spoken to Nicole from Psalm 91:14-15)
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer,
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honour them..."
Only keep your eyes firmly fixed on me and everything else will work together for my glory. Everything that you need and are concerned about will be given to you, as you seek my face. You do not need to fix anything or anyone, that is my job. You must love me, love them and be obedient to me, that is your job. Remember that my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. Be encouraged my daughter, I am your Champion, there is no need to fight for my honour. I am the one who delivers you. (Spoken to Nicole from Psalm 91:14-15)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Family Time Catch Up
Sorry it has been so long, but here is a little catch up for all of our family and interested friends. Sam is now 2 years and 7 months old. He is continually astounding us with his attitude and thoughts toward things. He talks much more than Jack ever did at this age and I love how the boys are both so different. It seems to
really help them in their play. Here is a comparison photo of them at the same age.
Jack 2 years 7 months (we were in Melbourne with Sam then)
Sam today at 2 years 7 months
I also wanted to share with you some of the things they have been up to lately. Jack loves to dress up, so every day he and Sam have different identities. It certainly keeps me guessing! In the last two days we have has explorers, scientists, doctors and campers.
Here is the campfire they made outside. Unfortunately we couldn't burn it as they made it on the lawn.
Here they are being explorers. In case you are wondering the Nerf dart sticky taped to the end of Jack's nose is his moustache. I told you they keep me guessing!
This was school this morning, doing nature collage, and learning about natural and man made environments.
Jack turns 5 this weekend on Mother's Day. Yes, I became a mother over Mother's Day back in 2006. A gift I will not ever forget (in more ways than one). Children are God's most beautiful blessing and an eternal treasure. My love for them was burned into my heart the moment I knew they were conceived. Being a Mum is one of my greatest treasures.
What do you treasure about being a Mum?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Five Mice and One Blind Woman
Last night we caught five mice in our trap. I must admit I was shocked. I knew we had one or two, but not five! We are having a small plague at the moment due to the rain and now the cooler weather. They had been frustrating me for weeks but we finally found out where they were hiding and caught them all overnight. I do not like having mice indoors. They leave their tell tale signs all around the house, their smelly little calling cards. They munch through wrappers to get to food and it unnerves me to see them scamper across the room while I type on the computer.
Sin is just like these mice you know. Sin comes in quietly, sneaks in while you are not looking and makes itself at home, out of your sight. But while you slumber, on the sly it begins to eat at you, a nibble here a nibble there, not so you notice too much, but it frustrates you. Then you start to notice the mess, the damage that it is doing in you life. You may snap at a loved one, you may be worrying, tired, stressed and worn. And then suddenly you realise what is wrong, there is something that has been left unchecked. Something that has been let in and not dealt with. Something that has been trying to get past you by being in the background but is really causing much damage. And not only that but soon it multiplies, just like the mice.
I for one have had enough of these mice. Enough is enough I say! I am taking care of you this minute. The traps are set. No longer will I ignore the little concerns on my heart. I will take them to God and let Him deal with them, no matter how small they may seem.
I wonder if you will pray for me over the next little while. I have many new things happening in the next month or two. I am speaking on the radio about Sam's Heart, I am attending a conference and speaking at one too. I am doing magazine articles and speaking with and sharing with many poeple about Sam's Heart. There are far to many "I"'s in this paragraph for my liking. Help me to keep my mind and heart focused on God. These are all things that I have not done before and I know God will equip me to do what He has asked. I guess I would ask for his protection, guidance and wisdom to do all he has called me to do, so that he may be glorified.
PS. Sam now weighs 11.5kg. Praise God with me!
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