Saturday, October 29, 2011
Something Amazing to Share
Last weekend I had a dream. One that I have not shared on the blog, as I was waiting on God to reveal the truth behind it. I would like to share it with you now, if you will spend a moment with me.
I was walking down to the beach, holding hands with Jesus. It was on dusk, and the sky was a myriad of colour. The breeze was warm and the sea was calm. We sat near the waters edge, next to one another, our legs curled up onto our chests, looking out to the vast ocean. Occasionally I would glance over at Him and admire his features, and how his hair blew in the breeze, and then I would look away quickly. He would do the same, as we delighted in each others company. It was like we were on a first date, and enjoying just being together. It was such a special time. When our gaze met finally, he smiled (oh that smile can light up a thousand worlds), and motioned with his eyes and hand, to look down at our feet on the sand. The waves had been lapping at the sand exposing large pebbles by our feet. The pebbles were brilliant and golden, still partially embedded in the sand. As I picked up a pebble, it's highly polished surface reflected the face of a woman getting out of her car. The picture was not still but moved like in a film. I was watching someones life. I looked back at him amazed, he threw back his head, and laughed and asked me to pick up another. As I looked down, and then along the beach I noticed that these were hundreds of these stones that had been exposed all along the sand. As I looked at the ones at my feet, I saw more faces, a women in her kitchen in a robe, and a man asleep on his bed. I looked to Jesus and he answered my questions without opening his mouth, 'You must go and talk to all of these people.' He knew my mind and we seemed to be able to communicate without speech. I felt such peace at his command, but was very curious as to how this would eventuate. When I awoke, I thought to myself 'How could I possibly reach that many people?' God spoke and told me to 'Wait and see.'
I share this with you not to exalt myself, but to exalt God that can do anything. We serve such a creative and limitless God.
Well this time I did not have to wait for long, for God's plan to unfold.
God has opened an exciting door in the last few days. I was contacted by Wesley Mission to appear on their television program called 'Wesley Impact!', to share by interview our story with Sam and God. The program is prerecorded and will go to air on Mother's Day in 2012. How amazing is God! This is how I will speak to many people.
Next Saturday I will fly to Sydney to the Foxtel Studios to record the interview. Wesley Mission is even paying for my flights. I will get to share our God story and encourage others, and I give all glory to God for the honour.
I ask for your prayers, that God would give me the words to speak. Just as he promised the apostles that they need not worry about what they will say, but that Holy Spirit will give them the words. Please pray that the recording will go well and that the travel to and from Sydney will be blessed. And most of all pray that hearts will be touched, and lives transformed by God's workings in our own lives.
When I think of his delight in surprising me, and the curiousness of his request, I sit in wonder. When I think of all of the faces I saw, and how he loves each one of them, it overwhelms me. When I think that he has chosen me for such a task is unends me. I am nothing, He is everything and that is enough for me.
PS. Sam's heart review at the Children's Hospital is the day before I leave to record this interview. God's timing is perfect for all things.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Watching Sam
I watch him play,
and I delight in seeing him create games and characters each having their own voice.
I watch him eat,
carefully with small mouthfuls, never enough to make a chubby tummy,
I watch him share,
laughing infectiously with his big brother, a secret game.
I watch him swim,
in the bath like a crocodile, full of excitement.
I watch him talk,
and share his ideas and plans with the world.
I watch him pray,
every night for God to fix his Mum, when he knows his own heart is broken.
I watch him accept,
his medicine every evening, wondering how it will affect his growing body.
I watch him test,
his own blood, with apprehension and then courage.
I watch him run,
with exuberance, and then get puffed and flop down.
I watch him do all of these things,
and then I look to God, because He is watching too.
I watch Him smile,
because He has the plan for our lives in His hands, and it delights Him.
I watch Him laugh,
as we overcome each hurdle, by he power of His name.
I watch Him rejoice,
As we walk this path in victory, because He knows we have won.
In all honesty there are some days that I even forget Sam has a heart condition. There are some days that I am so oblivious, that I have forgotten his medication. What a comfort it is to know God's peace each and every step of the way.
(Yes, Jack is missing his front teeth, and he is trying to be funny with his smile in this photo)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Missions Newsflash!
Celebrate with us!!!! It is official, Don has finally been passed for his CASA Class 1 Medical! It is in the post as I type. It has been a long 4 months waiting for the approval. We have been praying, you have been praying, and all the while God has been whispering 'It is in my hands'. We have moved interstate, waiting and believing that God would make it happen, and once again, He has shown that He is faithful.. All glory to God!
The radio interview from Sam's Heart, seems to have sparked a whole new wave of readers, and I have received orders and feedback over the last couple of days, which has lifted my soul, and inspired me to write once again.
Don has his psyche test today and it looks like we will be doing more formal interviews by the end of the year.
The boys and I, went to get a Christmas tree today, a real one. It is just perfect for our little home. We are looking forward to having fun decorating it, over the coming weeks. On the way to get the Christmas tree, Jack sang to Jesus in the back of the car and told Him, 'I love you Jesus, Happy birthday to you. We are decorating the house because we love you.' . He has already made the star for the top of the tree. Now I know why we decorate a tree at Christmas :)
The radio interview from Sam's Heart, seems to have sparked a whole new wave of readers, and I have received orders and feedback over the last couple of days, which has lifted my soul, and inspired me to write once again.
Don has his psyche test today and it looks like we will be doing more formal interviews by the end of the year.
The boys and I, went to get a Christmas tree today, a real one. It is just perfect for our little home. We are looking forward to having fun decorating it, over the coming weeks. On the way to get the Christmas tree, Jack sang to Jesus in the back of the car and told Him, 'I love you Jesus, Happy birthday to you. We are decorating the house because we love you.' . He has already made the star for the top of the tree. Now I know why we decorate a tree at Christmas :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Mum to Mum Giveaway
Mum to Mum is an A5 sized pocket rocket, designed to fit snuggly inside you handbag. That way you always have it on hand to read and to give out to friends. I have been blessed by this little magazine, and so I want to offer it as a giveaway, to two of my blog readers. Each winner will receive two copies of Mum to Mum, one for themselves, and one for a friend I have heard it said that good things come in small packages, and that is definitely the case here. Mum to Mum, is a publication produced by Narelle Nettelbeck, author of Thankful for Dishes and Moments for Mum. And it just happens to include a small article by me too!
It is no secret that I love God stories. I am passionate about hearing others share what God is doing in their lives. These stories are what this magazine is all about. Aussie Mums, sharing what God is doing in their lives. There are snippets of encouragement, dashes of humour and some heartfelt tales too.
If you feel that this magazine would be a breath of fresh air for you, follow my blog, and leave a comment below telling me what you love about your Mum. Please make sure that you include your email address so I can contact you if you win.
This giveaway is open to Australian and Overseas followers. Winners will be drawn on Saturday 29th October at 5pm. Winners will be contacted via email.
If you would like to order your own copies of Mum to Mum you can do so here. I have ordered a stack to include with my Christmas gifts this year.
Be Blessed
It is no secret that I love God stories. I am passionate about hearing others share what God is doing in their lives. These stories are what this magazine is all about. Aussie Mums, sharing what God is doing in their lives. There are snippets of encouragement, dashes of humour and some heartfelt tales too.
If you feel that this magazine would be a breath of fresh air for you, follow my blog, and leave a comment below telling me what you love about your Mum. Please make sure that you include your email address so I can contact you if you win.
This giveaway is open to Australian and Overseas followers. Winners will be drawn on Saturday 29th October at 5pm. Winners will be contacted via email.
If you would like to order your own copies of Mum to Mum you can do so here. I have ordered a stack to include with my Christmas gifts this year.
Be Blessed
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`Nicole
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`Nicole
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Riches Untold
I am abundantly overflowing with treasures. This weekend I had the delight of spending time with God's girls at a retreat, a place where we just gather to be with God. It is a rare treat for me. I let alone have times alone in the shower, never mind a whole day. It was a day that I just got to 'be' with my Jesus. In the time we stole away together I have returned with a bounty of heavenly treasures, that I did no know existed until I received them. I spent time enjoying the presence of my Lord, and my heart soared when he expressed His love for me. It was a time of great intimacy with God, and also a time of great encouragement and uplifting for the women of God.
The last few months have been very busy for me, I have not lingered in the arms of Jesus, in the way that I desire. God knows. He knows that I was longing for more time with Him, and this weekend He swept me off of my feet.
I would encourage you to find time, to seek Him out. To let Him confirm and fill your heart to overflowing with his unending and abundant treasures.
One of the royal treasures He gave me, was to remind me of who I am in His Kingdom. I say this here not to boast about myself, but to boast about what He had done for me. Seek Jesus and ask him to reveal who you are to Him. (I must point out that many of us shared our Kingdom identities over the weekend and not one of them was the same.) We have a remarkably creative and wonderful God.
The last few months have been very busy for me, I have not lingered in the arms of Jesus, in the way that I desire. God knows. He knows that I was longing for more time with Him, and this weekend He swept me off of my feet.
I would encourage you to find time, to seek Him out. To let Him confirm and fill your heart to overflowing with his unending and abundant treasures.
One of the royal treasures He gave me, was to remind me of who I am in His Kingdom. I say this here not to boast about myself, but to boast about what He had done for me. Seek Jesus and ask him to reveal who you are to Him. (I must point out that many of us shared our Kingdom identities over the weekend and not one of them was the same.) We have a remarkably creative and wonderful God.
My name is Nicole Watson. I am a beautiful and vibrant light in the darkness, welcoming in the spirit, drawing others to God. I am a solid fortress, a rock, with strong foundations, established in the Word of God. I am calm in spirit and abounding in faith, teaching and ministering to others, bringing honour to His name. I am His precious one.
As we all shared our true selves, it was as if we were finally seeing each other for who we truly are, it was breathtaking, inspiring, and we gave all glory to God.
Would you dare to seek Him, and share with me your royal indentity? I would be pleased to meet you.
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Blessing of Discouragement
It may seem like a strange title, but the more I have talked to God about it, the more I am convinced.
We have had our fair share of discouragement this week, not only in our own family, but also in those surrounding us. The battle of the mind and will, has been intense and as we have endured this may times before, we know we have to dig our heels in, praise God, and keep walking.
I won't go into details, but there has been discouragement, on quite a number of fronts. We have learned and are still learning that discouragement is a tool God allows to be used, in order to draw us back into His arms. It may not be that you have stepped out of them, but He just wants to draw you in all the more closer for a season. Discouragement is almost like a magnet in nature. Either it will draw you back to God and you will cleave to Him, or if the poles are reversed, you will be repelled and run in the opposite direction. I can look back now and thank God for times of discouragement, because in them we have learned not to run, but to embrace. So the reality is for us, that discouragement is a blessing. Because in reality we know there is no other place we want to be but in His arms, regardless of what is happening around us.
So instead of
complaining...we praise
instead of
running...we embrace
instead of
giving up...we push on
instead of
withdrawing...we reach out
instead of
hiding...we shine.
Monday, October 17, 2011
About MAF
This is a short video, about what Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) does. In the next few years, we are training to serve with MAF. In the years to come, this is what God has called us to do. I look forward to sharing more about what God has laid on our hearts, over time. At this stage,we feel God calling us to serve in the very north of our own country, Australia.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Now Available on Amazon!
Sam's Heart is now available internationally on Amazon. If you know someone that needs to hear an awesome story of hope and the miraculous, then feel free to pass on the great news.
By the way, to say that I am slightly excited, would be a vast understatement! Can you tell?

Friday, October 14, 2011
I thank God for the invention of digital photography! Trying to get a photo of Jack is like trying to catch a bolt of lightening.
Today Jack lost his last front tooth. This is only some of the myriad of photos we took to get to the final one at the bottom.
Which one of your children is the most difficult to photograph?
Live Like You Mean It
We have moved around much, in our almost 11 years of marriage, nine times to be precise. It's not that we enjoy moving, it just seems to be the path that God has us walking. Over time I have had to learn that in order to live with passion, I have to grow deep roots into the community in which I am planted. I now love forging new relationships, as well as keeping touch with old friends. I anticipate finding new places to shop for groceries, visit the doctor and get haircuts. I relish finding new tracks to walk, new neighbours, and places of beauty, in which to unwind and relax. When I meet new people, I share much of myself, as well as listen in order to get to know others on more than a superficial level.
Here in Yarra Glen, we walk through the park to get to the main street. The park is a mass of colour and new life this time of the year. A breathtaking difference from the stark and bare contrast of when we arrived in the Winter months. The temperature is mild, and so different to the searing heat of QLD. We walk to the bakery and buy fresh bread, and pass many tourists that wander in an out of the quaint tea rooms, and antique stores that dot our town. As we walk, we meet all of the people walking their dogs, and there are many! Every dog requires 5 minutes of petting time, as we no longer have pets of our own. This provides time to chat to the locals and share our story, and we hear theirs as well.
As I meander and live this new, well watered life, I think of Jesus, and Him living and teaching in the communities he came to. As I read the gospels, I sometimes envision Jesus sweeping through a community, speaking words of truth, transforming hearts, and then moving on, all in a seemingly short period of time. Jesus knew the art of immersing yourself in a community. He spoke in ways that were familiar to the people, He lived with them, He ate with them, and He spoke of things that were beyond the weather. He held some of them close, and healed them, stopping in the middle of a throng of people and handing out unmeasurable mercy. And as he moved on, he left something behind, a peace that was unheard of in the world they had known. An excitement from witnessing the power, that they knew was the Kingdom of God touching earth.
And so I yearn to learn more about the walk of Jesus, in order to know His ways more perfectly. I will keep living on purpose, and hopefully when I leave, the people will know that there was something different about that woman that walked her children everywhere. I hope that they will notice that the Kingdom of God lives inside this little Yarra mother.
Here in Yarra Glen, we walk through the park to get to the main street. The park is a mass of colour and new life this time of the year. A breathtaking difference from the stark and bare contrast of when we arrived in the Winter months. The temperature is mild, and so different to the searing heat of QLD. We walk to the bakery and buy fresh bread, and pass many tourists that wander in an out of the quaint tea rooms, and antique stores that dot our town. As we walk, we meet all of the people walking their dogs, and there are many! Every dog requires 5 minutes of petting time, as we no longer have pets of our own. This provides time to chat to the locals and share our story, and we hear theirs as well.
As I meander and live this new, well watered life, I think of Jesus, and Him living and teaching in the communities he came to. As I read the gospels, I sometimes envision Jesus sweeping through a community, speaking words of truth, transforming hearts, and then moving on, all in a seemingly short period of time. Jesus knew the art of immersing yourself in a community. He spoke in ways that were familiar to the people, He lived with them, He ate with them, and He spoke of things that were beyond the weather. He held some of them close, and healed them, stopping in the middle of a throng of people and handing out unmeasurable mercy. And as he moved on, he left something behind, a peace that was unheard of in the world they had known. An excitement from witnessing the power, that they knew was the Kingdom of God touching earth.
And so I yearn to learn more about the walk of Jesus, in order to know His ways more perfectly. I will keep living on purpose, and hopefully when I leave, the people will know that there was something different about that woman that walked her children everywhere. I hope that they will notice that the Kingdom of God lives inside this little Yarra mother.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Faith in Action
We are in the process of completing the MAF application papers. It is an extensive process which includes medicals, psychological profiling, a CV, as well as large application document, in which we need to provide an autobiography of our life to date. We are enjoying most of it. I completed part of the psychological testing yesterday, and Don will complete it in two weeks time. It's quite interesting, and tells you more about yourself while you do it. Or maybe I am just weird, and like this sort of thing.
There is one thing that I have been dealing with in the back of my mind all week. It is something that I need to ask you to stand with me in faith for.
Do you see my concern? No doctor in his right mind would sign a declaration saying that these conditions would be OK for Sam. I am not worried about these things as I know God will look after Sam, and always has. My concern lies with the fact that our acceptance to MAF may be hinged on this medical report. I know that God has called us to serve MAF, it is undeniable. And so each day we are stepping out in obedience, knowing full well that in the world's eyes it looks foolish and folly. That if we were to look at the hand we have been dealt, we would throw it in. Yet, we have been asked by God to keep our eyes firmly fixed on him, and not at our situation. We have watched in in the last few months as CASA has continually tried to deny Don a medical certificate, only to watch him pass test after test with no problem. Why should we believe that Sam will be any different? Surely if God has called us, he has a place that is handpicked by him, ready for us to serve.
It is a battle for me, because as I fill in the forms I am painfully aware that my little boy's body is not the same as everyone else, that his limitations are more pronounced. And yet, time after time, as we have his check ups we see his heart function is tremendous, and improving.
Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23)
Turn from your selfish ways...
If I am to follow God in his leading, I must turn from my own thoughts, my own doubts, and my own circumstances. This means letting go of the worry and standing firm, even when the enemy whispers to me that it is a joke to even complete the papers.
I need to be just like this eagle. I need to keep powering upward toward the sun, and as I do all of these things will drop away.
Living in God's Kingdom is not easy, but it is rewarding. Will you stand in faith with me? Will you pray with me and encourage me with some scripture?
There is one thing that I have been dealing with in the back of my mind all week. It is something that I need to ask you to stand with me in faith for.
On the medical forms there is a declaration that the doctor needs to sign. The declarations states that we may be asked to serve in areas that have high heat, humidity, a lack of immediate access to medical care, as well as social and physical challenges.
Do you see my concern? No doctor in his right mind would sign a declaration saying that these conditions would be OK for Sam. I am not worried about these things as I know God will look after Sam, and always has. My concern lies with the fact that our acceptance to MAF may be hinged on this medical report. I know that God has called us to serve MAF, it is undeniable. And so each day we are stepping out in obedience, knowing full well that in the world's eyes it looks foolish and folly. That if we were to look at the hand we have been dealt, we would throw it in. Yet, we have been asked by God to keep our eyes firmly fixed on him, and not at our situation. We have watched in in the last few months as CASA has continually tried to deny Don a medical certificate, only to watch him pass test after test with no problem. Why should we believe that Sam will be any different? Surely if God has called us, he has a place that is handpicked by him, ready for us to serve.
It is a battle for me, because as I fill in the forms I am painfully aware that my little boy's body is not the same as everyone else, that his limitations are more pronounced. And yet, time after time, as we have his check ups we see his heart function is tremendous, and improving.
Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23)
Turn from your selfish ways...
If I am to follow God in his leading, I must turn from my own thoughts, my own doubts, and my own circumstances. This means letting go of the worry and standing firm, even when the enemy whispers to me that it is a joke to even complete the papers.
take up your cross...
The cross is represtative of our identiy and salvation in Christ Jesus. I must live as Chrsit has asked us to and in the knowledge that I live in the Kingdom. I must dare to be different and walk in the new life I have been given daily. This is what what it means to pick up your cross. and follow me...
Only Jesus can hold my gaze. If I rest my eyes, even for a second on the what lays before me, I will be undone. The amazing story that we were told on Sunday at church, was of the eagle and how it is the only bird designed with special glands in it's eyes so it can look directly at the sun. All of the pesky birds that try to attack the eagle are undone when the eagle powers upward toward the sun. One by one they all drop away becuase they are not designed the same as the eagle. I need to be just like this eagle. I need to keep powering upward toward the sun, and as I do all of these things will drop away.
Living in God's Kingdom is not easy, but it is rewarding. Will you stand in faith with me? Will you pray with me and encourage me with some scripture?
Friday, October 7, 2011
A Missions Update
Don is studying a subject called aircraft performance, with an exam coming up in the next week or so. We have had to realign our thinking in regard to him finishing his flying this year, as his medical still has not come through from CASA. In the end we came to the conclusion that the only time limit there was, was the one we had placed on ourselves, and as we always find out, God's ways and times are well above our ways. So in light of our prayers, Don is now concentrating completing all of the theory exams he has left (I think there are 5), the remainder of this year, with the odd flying component thrown in. This will mean that next year he can complete the flying while he is studying the ministry at MST. The Certificate IV in Ministry means Don will spend three full days at the College next year, and then have a day a week to put into flying if needed. We are always amazed at God's plans. Now that Don will complete the course in this manner, he will be current with his flying all the way through to the end of next year, with little need to do extra to remain current. God truly is awesome. The difficulty in obtaining Don's medical, has been used for God's purposes, and our good. GOD IS AWESOME!
In relation to the class 1 medical from CASA, they have cleared Don's heart, and have now sent him off to an ophthalmologist. A what you may say? My question exactly. An eye doctor for short. If we had known that they had wanted this, we would have started the process months ago! Thankfully, God has provided an appointment this week. So hopefully this will all be sorted out quickly and they will stop trying to delay the issuing of his medical. We head off to this appointment this afternoon. Your prayers would be valued highly.
We had an eventful morning Sunday when we turned up for church half way through, as we forgot about changing to daylight saving. Our meeting was very quick, as we missed all of the worship : (, but we were blessed int he afternoon by spending time with some wonderful new friends. We spent close to seven hours, sharing what God has done in our lives and watching our children play. It was such a blessing to us, and we look forward to sharing more times like these.
Jack heads back to Kinder on Monday. This week we have been doing some gardening, playing, cleaning, painting and walking to town and the park. We always meet plenty of interesting people along the way. The trees are bursting into new growth, and the floral show is prolific, as the warmer weather meanders it's way into the area. I have read two wonderful books this week, both missions orientated, My Seventh Monsoon by Naomi Reed, and And the Word Came With Power, by Joanne Shelter. They are both equally inspiring if you get the opportunity.
We have also started the MAF application process, which is quite a lengthy and detailed exercise. I will be sitting a psyche test on Monday. Don and I are taking turns so that we can look after the boys. Apparently is runs for about 2 and a half hours. You prayers for this would also be appreciated. I am looking forward to find out if I clinically insane, or not. (That was meant to be funny).
Well I will leave it there, and let you know that we are more in love with God than ever. There has been so much happen that has been obstructing our path since we have arrived in Melbourne, but in hindsight we see his hand in all of it. We must keep striding forward, one step at a time, toward Him, in the meantime reaching out, and helping along those who stand along the way.
Bless you all heaps
In relation to the class 1 medical from CASA, they have cleared Don's heart, and have now sent him off to an ophthalmologist. A what you may say? My question exactly. An eye doctor for short. If we had known that they had wanted this, we would have started the process months ago! Thankfully, God has provided an appointment this week. So hopefully this will all be sorted out quickly and they will stop trying to delay the issuing of his medical. We head off to this appointment this afternoon. Your prayers would be valued highly.
We had an eventful morning Sunday when we turned up for church half way through, as we forgot about changing to daylight saving. Our meeting was very quick, as we missed all of the worship : (, but we were blessed int he afternoon by spending time with some wonderful new friends. We spent close to seven hours, sharing what God has done in our lives and watching our children play. It was such a blessing to us, and we look forward to sharing more times like these.
Jack heads back to Kinder on Monday. This week we have been doing some gardening, playing, cleaning, painting and walking to town and the park. We always meet plenty of interesting people along the way. The trees are bursting into new growth, and the floral show is prolific, as the warmer weather meanders it's way into the area. I have read two wonderful books this week, both missions orientated, My Seventh Monsoon by Naomi Reed, and And the Word Came With Power, by Joanne Shelter. They are both equally inspiring if you get the opportunity.
We have also started the MAF application process, which is quite a lengthy and detailed exercise. I will be sitting a psyche test on Monday. Don and I are taking turns so that we can look after the boys. Apparently is runs for about 2 and a half hours. You prayers for this would also be appreciated. I am looking forward to find out if I clinically insane, or not. (That was meant to be funny).
Well I will leave it there, and let you know that we are more in love with God than ever. There has been so much happen that has been obstructing our path since we have arrived in Melbourne, but in hindsight we see his hand in all of it. We must keep striding forward, one step at a time, toward Him, in the meantime reaching out, and helping along those who stand along the way.
Bless you all heaps
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯` Nicole
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯` Nicole
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
When Your Children Suffer He Knows
Do you see how our children suffer Lord?
Do you see the pain in his eyes, and the fear that grips him, when he sees yet another syringe?
Do you see the look of absolute helplessness in his eyes, as I plead with him to sit still just for a moment and the pain will be gone soon?
Do you hear his laboured breathing, his eyes pleading with me to help him, just get one more breath?
Do you see my heart ache when I cannot help him?
Do you see him longing to run with the other kids, and not grow weary?
Can you feel the painful lump in my throat, and the tears stinging the back of my eyes, as I try to be strong for his sake?
Do you hear me, when I want to scream, but I don't because I am in the middle of a crowded place, so every fiber of my being shakes with distress and anger?
Yes, I see how MY children suffer.
Do you see the courage in your son's eyes, even when he has to endure another procedure?
Do you see the trust in him, when he resigns to let the doctors touch him, even when every part of him wants to get up and run?
Do you see me standing and holding his other hand, while his breathing labours and your heart breaks?
Do you see him content in himself even with his physical limitations, and how he draws the attention of the others in a room with his endearing and steadfast spirit?
Do you feel my heart break along with yours? Do you feel my arms around you, strengthening you in every situation?
Do you hear me when I whisper quiet words to your heart in the midst of your anger, and how my unconditional love melts away every argument you bring?
Yes Lord, I know all of these things.
Take the fear of the future from me Lord, I cannot handle the thought of any more pain. You have promised his healing, and so to you I turn my eyes and, in You I choose to place my hope.
If someone you love is suffering, Jesus knows and you are not alone.
PS. Sam and the rest of our family are well. I just wanted to share this discussion that I had with God today, to encourage anyone else who may face an ongoing battle. Even on days when the physical pain is not so present, my heart aches at times, looking at the path we are walking. Thankfully, Jesus knows, he suffered in my place, and is more than equipped to handle my feelings. He waits to hear yours as well.
Hearing God's Voice,
The Simple Truth
This morning Jack and I had a conversation like this:
(Jack just finished drinking his milo and wipes his mouth up his sleeve.)
Ohhh I keep forgetting (annoyed with himself)
(He goes and comes back.)
(and here it is...)
(silence..a smile)
I think you are right Jack.
The simple truth learned through the mouth of my son, is that Jesus is his real teacher, just as He is mine. I am so glad that Jesus speaks to the hearts of my children.
(Jack just finished drinking his milo and wipes his mouth up his sleeve.)
Jack, don't wipe your mouth on your sleeve. I can't take you to town looking like that.
Ohhh I keep forgetting (annoyed with himself)
Go to the bathroom and wash your face and hands, ok?
Yeah, ok.
(He goes and comes back.)
I'm sorry Mum, I just keep making mistakes.
No darlin, I am just trying to teach you how to look after yourself properly.
(and here it is...)
Yeah OK Mum, but your not very good at that. Jesus teaches me that.
(silence..a smile)
Jack hugging a barrel of Jack fruit.
The simple truth learned through the mouth of my son, is that Jesus is his real teacher, just as He is mine. I am so glad that Jesus speaks to the hearts of my children.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Who Do You Work For?
As some of you know Sam's Heart was shortlisted for the CALEB Writers Awards through Omega Writers. It was such an exciting time and a surprise that I was grateful for. Two days ago I found out that although the my book made the short list, it did not make the finals. As my eyes scanned the emailed list, I hardly dared to hope it would be there. Many of my other newly found writing friends appeared on the list and I quietly celebrated for them, as disappointment came knocking at my heart.
Disappointment is a strange feeling. I was actually quite surprised to find it entering my heart. God was very quick to speak to me regarding my feelings.
Don't be disappointed. Your writing is not judged by these people, but by me. I asked you to write the book, and it is doing that which I set out to complete. I always complete what I begin. Your true value is not found here in the opinions of others, it is found in your love for me and your obedience to me. You cannot yet see the fruit of your obedience, but one day you will see the hearts touched and lives changed by your work. Be prepared to be blessed, because your treasure is laid up in heaven. Each word of truth that you write brings glory to my name. Write, smile and praise me, I love you more than anyone else ever will.
The next morning I received a lovely email from a friend, confirming everything that God had spoken the night before. He really works in the most kind-hearted and intimate ways.
My disappointment stems from school days, when I loved to be the best at everything, loved to achieve and win all the awards, and I did many times. However my reason for living has changed much since then, and God is still continuing his work to change my heart. Little by little exposing the sin that hides there, as much as I can endure each time. Because as he spoke above:
And I for one, am so thankful for his patience and love.
And so now, I look forward to going to the awards dinner in November, and encouraging and supporting my writing friends, who's hard work is also touching many hearts. Bring on the good times!
Disappointment is a strange feeling. I was actually quite surprised to find it entering my heart. God was very quick to speak to me regarding my feelings.
Don't be disappointed. Your writing is not judged by these people, but by me. I asked you to write the book, and it is doing that which I set out to complete. I always complete what I begin. Your true value is not found here in the opinions of others, it is found in your love for me and your obedience to me. You cannot yet see the fruit of your obedience, but one day you will see the hearts touched and lives changed by your work. Be prepared to be blessed, because your treasure is laid up in heaven. Each word of truth that you write brings glory to my name. Write, smile and praise me, I love you more than anyone else ever will.
The next morning I received a lovely email from a friend, confirming everything that God had spoken the night before. He really works in the most kind-hearted and intimate ways.
My disappointment stems from school days, when I loved to be the best at everything, loved to achieve and win all the awards, and I did many times. However my reason for living has changed much since then, and God is still continuing his work to change my heart. Little by little exposing the sin that hides there, as much as I can endure each time. Because as he spoke above:
What God begins he completes. When God makes a promise to transform your life, he will see it through to finality.
And I for one, am so thankful for his patience and love.
And so now, I look forward to going to the awards dinner in November, and encouraging and supporting my writing friends, who's hard work is also touching many hearts. Bring on the good times!
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