Monday, January 31, 2011

About Homeschool

I have had a number of people ask what we do for school during the day so I though I would share a day in the life of a homeschooler for Prep.  Our morning starts at 8am and we spend some time learning about God, we do reading, some writing and then head outdoors for some activities.  Today was painting using big strokes of the brush.

The boys have morning tea and I delve into a coffee.  We then have maths time and some computer work to do.

We have lunch and then we do some science which today included making a body puzzle.  Usually school finishes for us at about 12.30.  However this afternoon we also had the Groves Christain College Picnic at the park.  We had a wondeful time getting to know the teachers and some other families.  Over 128 people came to this barbecue; double the amount that they had last year.  We met some very inspiring adults and children.

I don't think either Jack or Sam stopped the whole time we were there.
I am so far finding Homeschool very rewarding and the boys love it.  It really was a good choice for our family.
Thanks for sharing in our day :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Chalice of the Redeemed

The cup that God offers the World.  The blood of his own son to bring us into His Kingdom.  It is a royal cup, the chalice.  He waits expectantly.  Will you accept His gift of love to you?

The Chalice of the Redeemed-Oil Pastel on Paper by Nicole Watson

The Chalice of the redeemed-Acrylic on Canvas by Nicole Watson

For God so loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Ideas, New Inspiration, New Revelation

Over the last few months God has been giving me new ideas for a book.  In essence the book is about the gift we have been given as the children of the Living God.  Many Christians I talk to have lost their first love of Jesus.  They have momentarily forgotten how amazing it is that they have been saved by the Creator of the universe.  It is my hearts desire to share with others the amazing love of God, to inspire them to share with others what God is doing in their lives, to bring glory Him.  This poem is one of the first of many the Lord has laid on my heart.  I hope to share more with you over the coming months.   Let me know what you think.

The Creator and His Creation

The Creator created; He spoke and it was,
The Word was enough,
Not a finger lifted,
Multifaceted light and colour filled the cosmos.

The Creator created; He spoke and it became,
The waters above,
The waters below,
The skies and the seas set apart by His name.

The Creator created; He spoke by His power,
The seas pulled together,
The earth bared its crust,
The face of the world came to be in that hour.

The Creator created; He spoke and Earth bore,
Intricate plants,
All seed bearing trees,
To produce and grow fruit; He loved what He saw.

The Creator created; He spoke with great plans,
Out exploded the Sun,
Moon, stars, in all glory,
To govern the times and bring light to the lands.

The Creator created; He spoke out the call,
The air filled with birds,
The sea came to life,
So perfectly wrought to be part of this all.

The Creator created; He spoke to the Earth,
News species of life,
Both wild and tame,
Diverse, they came forth as He gave them birth.

The Creator created; He used his own hands,
Gathered dust of the Earth,
He moulded and shaped,
Mankind to love and to govern His lands.
The Creator creates; He gave his own Son,
He died on the cross,
The battle is fought.
The old ways must die the new way has come.

The Creator our God; He speaks and you’ll see,
All power, dominion
Are His to decree,
God was and He is and He ever will be.

Friday, January 28, 2011

About the Hard Times

It has been a trying time this week.  People around us are hurting and need love and support more than ever.  If I didn't know God it would be so hard because I wouldn't know how I could help.  There would be nothing I could do except send a word of encouragement and love perhaps.  However because I know God, I have something I can do.  I can pray.  I know God hears my prayers because the bible tells me so and I see him answer them. 

We have friends who are missionaries in an African country.  A Dad, Mum and two small boys.  This week they have been under tremendous attack in the form of illness.  The Mum had malaria so badly her body was in convulsions and there was no medication available to help her.  Let me tell you people were praying!   Once stable they had to transfer her to a hospital far away where she could get help.   It is not time for this lady to go home.  She has work that needs to be done here on earth.  She has two little boys and a husband that needs her and she must still touch more lives for the Lord.  She is now getting the treatment she needs after much prayer and concern.  The enemy tried very hard to foil God's plan for her life, but he will not succeed because God's will must be done when his people pray.

The word that has really been on my heart this week centers around this scripture:

For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)

God has a plan and purpose for each of us, whether we knew him or not.  And when we give our life to Jesus we become a new creation, so that we can fulfil the plans he layed out for us. 

If we are children of God and we are doing what he wants us to do, no harm can come to us until his plan is fulfilled.  That does not mean that dangers and problems won't come.  They will, Jesus teaches us that.  However we will not die until our appointed time.  If God still has work for you to do here, then you will not be heading home to heaven early.  But in order for this to happen we must pray.  We must step up to the plate, be battle ready and not let the enemy overcome us.   We must claim God's promises over our lives and not give any ground. 

The world around us would tell us that our faith is futile, that God deosn't exist and that if he did all of these bad things would not happen.  The bible has never taught that, and never will.  What the bible does teach is that we have been given the power though the name of Jesus, to bring heaven down to touch earth, this is the place where miracles happen.  The place where people pray, believe, and recieve. 

If you are looking for a miracle today, I dare you to reach out to Jesus, he hears every prayer.

Monday, January 24, 2011


School is going well.  If it were possible I would say that Jack's enthusiasm has increased in the last week instead of waning. I must admit I have had many doubts about God's insistance for me to homeschool the boys.  However I have learned that if we are obedient he can do anything and so I am giving him that opportunity. 

Being a trained teacher does not prepare you to teach your own children.  This is a whole new ball game.  The most difficult thing for me to come to terms with is that I now have another role to play-the teacher.  Some people would say there is no difference between Mum and teacher but I need there to be a difference.  I need to be able to show Jack that when the school day is out, I am Mum, and I need my own time too.  Otherwise I would get exhausted and be no fun at all. 

In the last little while God has been asking me to step out of my comfort zone in a number of areas, home school was only the beginning.  I have also started singing in the worship team at church in the last 6 months and the latest project is rediscovering my love for playing the Tenor Recorder.  It has been 15 years since I last  played this instrument, before I became a Christian.  I had really enjoyed it but let it go along with many other things I have learned earlier in life.  Now that I know God, it is different.  I am playing with a purpose-to bless him.  I am not doing it to entertain or put on a show, just to bless his heart.  It was not easy to start again.  I had to relearn things I had forgotten and even take some rejection.  A recorder is not a real instrument you know!  Yes, that was said, I let it go, and now God has opened a time for me to play for him in two weeks at a lady's gathering at church. 
I am not overly confident yet playing my old musical friend.  But I am enjoying it and God is giving me the courage to have a go.  As a wise friend once said:

"God is not looking for your ability.  He is looking for your availability."

If you say yes to Go and are willing to obey he will use you to do great things, things you may never have dreamed of doing.  Do you dare to test him on this?  I can guarantee you won't regret it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Words Make a Difference

What God has been talking to me about lately:

Did you know that our words carry an eternal significance.  They not only determine how things will happen in our day to day lives but they have the power to change futures. 

We all know that what we say will affect those around us.  Our words can comfort, console, encourage, love and help.  They can also hurt, tear down, and crush other's spirits.  The bible tells us to be careful with our tongue.  The bible tells us that though our tongue is a small part of our body it does big things, both good and terrible (James 3:1-12).  Just like the rudder on a ship which steers the direction of the ship, so our tongue is responsible for steering our path in life.  Something so small and yet gifted with so much power.

So why is this important?  It is important because of this verse:

"I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven" (Matthew 18:18)

If you are a child of God this is big news.  In this passage Jesus is talking to his disciples and telling them the power they have been given through him.  We too have this power.  We are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is saying whatever we permit, allow, say on earth will be done in heaven, and whatever we forbid, speak, do not allow on earth will be bound in heaven. 

For example if someone you know is very ill and you speak words of  hope, love, healing and strength to them, over them and about them, then those things God releases from heaven and will become real and active in that situation. 

The opposite is also true if we choose to speak negativity and hopelessness over a situation it also release things in the spiritual realm to come into your life but they are not from heaven.  It also cause that healing and love that is waiting in heaven to be bound, and as  a result is not released into your life.

The words we speak are very much a measure of our faith.  Are we willing to speak the words of truth, hope and love in faith or dwell on the err of caution and grumble about our lack of fortune?  It is all about faith.  Being able to trust God enough to believe his promises even when you can't see it yet in the natural.

In our walk with Sam and his heart condition we will continue to speak words of life and love, healing and hope.  We will proclaim that he is healed and wait for the reality of it.  When I was talking to God today about Sam's 'problems' I was surprised to see that he saw things very differently to me. 

I said, "Lord he isn't putting on any weight and I am worried about his development."
He reminded me that Sam is more switched on than most kids I know and that he is lean but growing.

I said, "God, but he struggles to keep up with other kids when playing."
He reminded me that rarely has that problem and most of the time he runs circles around his brother and can swim kicking in the pool for as long as any of us.

I said, "Father, I worry about his blood thinning and bruises and bleeding"
He replied "You have tested me on this.  He has cut himself many times and he has always clotted immediately"

I said "But oh God please won't you just give him his new heart!"

He replied "He is mine.  He will testify to the nations of my healing.  If I healed him now you would be testifying, not him.  I am keeping him in every way.  You gave him to me.  Relax and enjoy your family.  I will never leave you or forsake you.  Spend more time with me.  I love you."

God sees the big picture.  Speak words of truth and love.  Have faith and wait on his promises.  He is not a man that he should lie.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Prep Year

Jack began school today.  His first day of the Prep year.  Yes, we have started early, simply because I couldn't fend him off any longer.  He has been asking me every day for the last two weeks so I finally gave in.  He loves wearing his uniform and seems to have taken quite well to doing it all at home.  He and Sam do everything together.
Let's just hope the novelty doesn't wear off any time soon. 
Today included God time, swimming, reading, prewriting, maths, computers, SOSE and Science.  Our day starts at 8.00am and finishes midday, leaving the afternoon for hobbies and free play.

Friday, January 14, 2011

God and Grief

If you were anything like me the last week has been one of very mixed emotions.  I seem to have walked around in an often dazed state, seemingly unable to do even the slightest everyday household chore.  I have cried with families as they tell their stories of tragedy and rejoiced with people who have been spared and are alive.  I have gone through feeling both guilty and blessed because we are safe and well while so many others suffer.

Yesterday Jesus showed me that what I was experiencing was in fact grief.  Grief  is a strange and almost unrecognisable emotion.  Grief is not just crying all of the the time but comes with mixed emotions such as guilt, frustration and anger.  Everyone shows grief in a different way.  We are told in the bible that grief is a  process of dealing with suffering but that we are ultimately responsible for how it all ends.  Do I choose to give glory to God even in the midst of out trying circumstances or do I choose to curse him? Either way he is listening.  Before you choose to curse him ask yourself when the last time was that you even talked to him or asked his opinion about anything.  People are very quick to state "If there was a God why does he allow things like this to happen?"  I can't begin to answer that question as I don't have the big picture in my hands.  But I know that God does and I trust and hope that even out of this tragedy new life will come, new beginnings, hew hope, new trust, new faith in him.

If you have lost family, home or possessions in this horrible flood I pray for God to love you, hug you, support you in this time when you need him most.  I grieve with you and look forward to brighter days filled with hope and promise.

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.(Romans 12:15)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love Them Like Jesus

What's going on now

Don has managed to get through to work today and they are very busy trying to get Blackhawk helicopters up and out to help the flood aid. 

The rain has stopped here and I am trying to dry out part of the carpet that got wet as water streamed down on the inside wall near one of the windows, just from the rain.  Our house if up high enough that it hasn't flooded.  We also have a couple of skirting boards to repair that have swelled with the water on them. 

I have heard that where we used to live a Minden there is great amounts of flooding and people rescued from their rooves in Lowood and Tarampa which are also close by.  My heart is breaking for those who have lost family and friends.  We just feel so blessed that God placed us in this little pocket, where we are safe.  I just hope we can help others now.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Update on Pittsworth

There is still no word on the people who are missing :(

The rain has slowed here but only for a time,

Pittsworth has been spared most of the devastating flooding to date, with roads and properties being affected in outlying areas.  Crop losses and damage to properties are still occurring though.

I have just been out to the grocery shop with a few hundred other people and they have said that there is no night filling of shelves tonight.  No stock has come in.  Thankfully I have bought food to last a few weeks in the cupboard in case we lose power.  Hopefully we can also help out others if they need food too as I bought flour and yeast to make bread.

Don is keeping in close contact with work and has been told that Oakey Creek has broken it's banks and parts of the town are now being evacuated.  He is unable to get to work there are a few fellows stuck there who are keeping the fleet of Blackhawks going  so keep them in your prayers.  They have lost their cars and and properties too but still have a job to do to help others. 

Praise God for the Emergency Rescue Teams and their supporters who are here for us in our hour of need.  Uphold them Lord and keep them strong!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pray for Mercy

The nearby town of Toowoomba was hit by tremendous flash flooding this afternoon.  We know people who have been affected by this disaster.  It happened really quickly and caught everyone unaware.  Don is at home and didn't go to work today when their was water across the road.  Praise God he turned around and came back home otherwise he would still be stuck at work now. 

Please pray for a group of three people that are related to friends of ours at church.  Three of their family are missing in floodwaters near Grantham.

Another of our friends works in a butchery in Withcott.  The butchery had over 1/2 meter of water rush through it.  Though they are all safe, the business has been badly affected.

Don has already been advised there is no work tomorrow for him due to road closures etc. However the Balckhawks are desperately needed to help in this flooding disaster which is state wide.  Only time will tell how all of this is going to pan out.  We wait on God for his guidance.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hooray for Up n Go!

To those who have been praying for Sam to eat more. God bless you!  His appetite has improved in the last few days.  He has really taken to the Up n Go poppers, that are equal to 2 weetbix and milk and has two of them a day as well as his eating improving.  He now longer has a sippy cup and is happy to drink from straws.
As an added bonus he also slept though the night last night.  the first time in a very.....long time.  The two boys are actually sleeping outdoors in a tent just outside the back door and love it!  I may just let them sleep out there permanently.  Haha just joking.
Let it never be said that God does not care about the little things in your life.  He hears every prayer, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sams Heart-book update

Their has been a flurry of activity in the last week of so regarding Sam's Heart.  The cover for the book has been designed and hopefully I will be able to give you all a sneak preview soon :) Book release is looking at being late May 2011.

Sam's Heart, the website, is in the midst of design, and it is exciting to see it all coming together. The website will also feature a link to the Sam's Heart Facebook page so that people can share their stories, comment on the book, ask for prayer and provide a listening ear.  We are hoping to be able to offer some people who need hope, a place where we can believe with them in prayer for God's provision and faithfulness.  The Bible says:

....If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you.  For where two or three are gather as my followers, I am there among them. (Matthew 18:19-20)

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more.  You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea', and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and have faith, you will receive it." (Matthew 21:21-22)

What an amazing opportunity to be able to offer help and support, share the message of hope and with God's grace save some lives, both here and in the eternal as well.

Now I am hoping and praying that people will read it!  Pray with me if you would like.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fight the Good Fight

This year ushers in many new beginnings for us.  Jack begins Prep this year with me as his teacher.  I am in the midst of publishing Sam's Heart.  Don is working and waiting on God to direct his path for the year.  Will he  be working at Boeing or will he be studying in Melbourne?  Perhaps doing a bit of both.

Sam is growing up fast and faces many challenges, the biggest at the moment being weight gain. Will you please pray for him to eat?  He seems to have very little interest in food at times.  God certainly gives him strength because I know it doesn't come from his food.  How can a little boy live on three cups of milk, a quarter of a piece of toast, some chocolate, some corn kernels and handful of fruit loops each day? He runs around continually and takes like a fish to water in the pool.   ANY suggestions on getting him to eat would be much appreciated.

As always when we are walking the path God has us on, we come under attack from the enemy.  For me of late is has been worry.  It comes as little thoughts or words that pop into your head

 How are we going to pay the bills this month?  How will you get Jack to sit long enough to learn anything at school?  No-one is even looking at buying your home?  Perhaps you should lower the price.  You do want to get to Melbourne don't you?  You are setting up a web page for a book that no one is going to read.  You are trying to hard.  You are just trying to make yourself into something.  You aren't really doing this for God's glory.

I got a point last night where I was T-I-R-E-D.  Tired of the constant barrage of negative thoughts.  Tired of feeling less than what God says I am.  Tired of feeling angry, confused and lonely and trying to cover that up with a happy face.  Last night I shared my burden with both Don and then we prayed.  Don led because I felt so worn out and unworthy.  Last night I slept soundly for the first time in a week.  I had been fighting the good fight through the week but I have to admit I was battle weary.  I had been rebuking the thoughts with scripture but still the barrage came.  I saw a picture of myself hanging with white knuckles onto the hem of Jesus' tunic. 

After my refreshing rest last night I received new revelation that the battle was over for now.  I felt peace and the thoughts have ceased.  I learned an important lesson though.  Ask for help! God has placed people around us to hold us up, and fight with us.  We were never meant to be alone but are a part of a much greater body with Jesus as the head.

Always be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love.  Make every effort to keep yourself united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.  For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. (Ephesians 4:2-4)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Flood them with love!

Much has happened over the period of a few short weeks.  With the celebrations of Christmas and the New Year, it is almost like we stepped out of time and wandered freely for a while, absent of the regular routines and chores. 

We have travelled like most over the holidays and have seen many amazing sights.  While in Bundaberg at Christmas we were there to witness the monumental flooding, as the Burnett River gushed through large parts of the city.  I was born in Bundaberg and I have never seen this much water ever.  I looked on in both awe and horror at the magnitude of what was unfolding.  People's entire homes have been lost.  Not just one or two but hundreds.  At a time when many were celebrating the New Year, many homeowners and farmers hung their heads and cried.
God has been speaking to my heart about his church.  This is the time to rise up and shine for Jesus.  We need to show these people love when they need it the most.  It is not the 'community spirit' that needs to be at work in these times as much as the Holy Spirit.  This is a time when many people will look to see faith in action. Are we going to love our neighbours as ourselves or turn a blind eye with the excuses of 'they will have insurance, the government is helping them out, other people are already helping them'?  These people are going to need more than money thrown at them.  They are going to need prayer, someone to talk to, share their burdens with get them through the tough times.  The only one that can help them with this is God.    We can be his hands and feet by rallying beside them and leading them to him and praying with them.  I know I have been convicted.  Have you?

So you see, faith by itself isn't enough.  Unless is produces good deeds, it is dead and useless....You see his faith and his actions worked together.  His actions made his faith complete. (James 2:17-22)
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