Kelly, at Be A Fun Mum, has reviewed Sam's Heart today. Click on the picture below and make my day by leaving a comment :). You could even win a free copy of the book.
Bless you Kell. x
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`Nicole
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
One Month On
Well God has turned on the weather in the last few weeks, and we are delighted! We have had warm days and cool nights, just like back in Pittsworth. All of the locals here tell me that this weather is extremely extraordinary, and it is about 7 degrees above average. Sounds like better than average to me! Jack began Kindy on Monday, and is LOVING it, and I delight in seeing him so happy and settled.
Don has been busy dong NAVS in controlled airspace, and flew into Essendon this week, first on SIM and then for real. He is developing much more confidence in this area, which is great to see, because he is very hard on himself, which is both a blessing and a curse. He is also studying Air Law, for which he will do the exam next week. CASA is still causing headaches for Don's medical, and have upheld their decision that he must go and get clearance from a cardiologist. So Don is booked in on Thursday morning to go and do this, to silence them once and for all. Please pray for breakthrough in this area.
I have been very busy orangising our new home life and looking after the boys (that takes up most of my day). I have also been selling some of our un-needed goods on eBay, in preparation for our future. The book promotion schedule has been organised between now and Christmas, so that will be full steam ahead soon. I have an interview with Signs of the Times Magazine tonight, over the phone. Then in the next few weeks I have a couple of radio opportunities with local Christian, and regular broadcasters. I will keep you posted about those, as they can be listened to online. Praise God that in the first month of sales Sam's Heart sold around 600 copies. So people must be reading our story, which is awesome to hear! Promotion is great, but it is word of mouth that will get our story heard. So make sure you keep sharing it with your friends.
Our days are pretty long and packed to the brim, but we are beginning to find our feet here.
Keep your eyes open when checking your inbox this week for the first edition of our newsletter. If you are not on our mailing list, and would like to be, drop me an email (address in the sidebar), and I will pop you on.
I want to take this moment to tell you how much we appreciate, and love each one of you that love us, pray for us, support us and walk with us. That's what this journey is about -relationship with Jesus, and for Jesus. Mission is not just about helping people in a far off lands, but affects every heart involved in the process. Yes we are going to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but I can tell you that you travel with us in Spirit every step of the way, and it means more to us than you can imagine.
Don has been busy dong NAVS in controlled airspace, and flew into Essendon this week, first on SIM and then for real. He is developing much more confidence in this area, which is great to see, because he is very hard on himself, which is both a blessing and a curse. He is also studying Air Law, for which he will do the exam next week. CASA is still causing headaches for Don's medical, and have upheld their decision that he must go and get clearance from a cardiologist. So Don is booked in on Thursday morning to go and do this, to silence them once and for all. Please pray for breakthrough in this area.
I have been very busy orangising our new home life and looking after the boys (that takes up most of my day). I have also been selling some of our un-needed goods on eBay, in preparation for our future. The book promotion schedule has been organised between now and Christmas, so that will be full steam ahead soon. I have an interview with Signs of the Times Magazine tonight, over the phone. Then in the next few weeks I have a couple of radio opportunities with local Christian, and regular broadcasters. I will keep you posted about those, as they can be listened to online. Praise God that in the first month of sales Sam's Heart sold around 600 copies. So people must be reading our story, which is awesome to hear! Promotion is great, but it is word of mouth that will get our story heard. So make sure you keep sharing it with your friends.
Our days are pretty long and packed to the brim, but we are beginning to find our feet here.
Keep your eyes open when checking your inbox this week for the first edition of our newsletter. If you are not on our mailing list, and would like to be, drop me an email (address in the sidebar), and I will pop you on.
I want to take this moment to tell you how much we appreciate, and love each one of you that love us, pray for us, support us and walk with us. That's what this journey is about -relationship with Jesus, and for Jesus. Mission is not just about helping people in a far off lands, but affects every heart involved in the process. Yes we are going to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but I can tell you that you travel with us in Spirit every step of the way, and it means more to us than you can imagine.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Substance of Faith
What is faith? It is the very nature of God. Faith is the Word of God. It is the personal inward flow of divine favour, which moves in every fiber of our being until our whole nature is so quickened that we live by faith, we move by faith, and we are going to be caught up into glory by faith! Faith is the glorious knowledge of a personal presence within you, changing you you from strength to strength, from glory to glory, until you get to the place where you walk with God, and God think and speaks through you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Oh, it is grand! Oh, it is glorious! (Smith Wigglesworth, taken from the Smith Wigglesworth Devotional 1999)
Today I am so thankful for the gift of faith; God living in me, changing me day by day to be more like Jesus. When I look back at my walk in faith, I can see from where I have come. It is not like that at the present, we are often unable to see how present circumstances in our lives are of any benefit to us, or God. But we must trust that He knows. And it is the eternity to come, that we will stand holding hands with Jesus, and look back at how His hand was upon us in every season.
He speaks to my heart today, and whispers so much love, so much encouragement:
Today I am so thankful for the gift of faith; God living in me, changing me day by day to be more like Jesus. When I look back at my walk in faith, I can see from where I have come. It is not like that at the present, we are often unable to see how present circumstances in our lives are of any benefit to us, or God. But we must trust that He knows. And it is the eternity to come, that we will stand holding hands with Jesus, and look back at how His hand was upon us in every season.
He speaks to my heart today, and whispers so much love, so much encouragement:
'Keep going my love, one step in front of the other, my presence will change not only you, but also the hearts of others. It's all about faith, it's all about trust, and I know your heart. '
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Nicole
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Nicole
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
You Are Invited
You are officially invited to attend the in store book promotions for Sam's Heart, in Victoria, in the months leading up to Christmas. Tell your friends, and come along and see me on the day. I would love to see you there.
Upcoming In Store Promotions
Come along, say hello, and have your book signed.KOORONG Bookstores
Blackburn 17th September 10-1pm
Melbourne City 24th September 10-1pm
WORD Bookstores
Saturdays between 11.30am-2pm
Lilydale 8th October
Nunawading 15th October
Dandenong 29th October
Frankston 26th November
Melbourne City 3rd December
I would also love to hear your story. Our stories are a gift, and have the power to change lives. I hope to see you there.
Bless you
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Voice of the Accuser
I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon feeling lousy. I had picked up Jack from school and did so with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jack had a great day, and that was good to hear. However as I spent time with his teacher after school asking questions and her opinion about Jack's development, it came to my attention that he is not ready for Prep in Victoria. Prep in Victoria is equivalent to Year One outcomes in QLD. And so although in QLD Jack is more than excelling in Prep in QLD, in Victoria he is too far behind to catch up. I want Jack to love learning and succeed at what he is doing, so after conversing with the Kinder teachers yesterday, Jack is going to begin Kinder on Thursday. During all of this I had the voice of the enemy telling me 'See, they told you he wasn't ready and now you've gone to all of this fuss to get him enrolled. You look like and idiot (yes the enemy uses those sorts of words and much worse)', and 'Here you are telling everyone that God wants Jack to go to school and he can't, God doesn't know what he's talking about. You have let your son down.'
'I recognise you buddy, and your history in the name of Jesus!' was my reply. I still felt lousy I can tell you, but I made a choice at that point to fight back. I know what God told me and his word is true, Jack will attend school it is just phased differently down here. He will be happy in his learning because it is at his level. He will move onto Prep next year with a great group of friends and his teacher is awesome. And the most amazing thing is there was only one spot available at Kinder, kept waiting just for Jack. God is faithful, and will not let us fall. He knows I have taken a hit for his name's sake. He knows I was hurting, and I know where my treasure is laid up.
I love you Lord. I have my eyes fixed fast on you and I choose to close my ears to the lies of the enemy. Your ways are beyond my ways and we will follow you all of our days.
'I recognise you buddy, and your history in the name of Jesus!' was my reply. I still felt lousy I can tell you, but I made a choice at that point to fight back. I know what God told me and his word is true, Jack will attend school it is just phased differently down here. He will be happy in his learning because it is at his level. He will move onto Prep next year with a great group of friends and his teacher is awesome. And the most amazing thing is there was only one spot available at Kinder, kept waiting just for Jack. God is faithful, and will not let us fall. He knows I have taken a hit for his name's sake. He knows I was hurting, and I know where my treasure is laid up.
I love you Lord. I have my eyes fixed fast on you and I choose to close my ears to the lies of the enemy. Your ways are beyond my ways and we will follow you all of our days.
Monday, August 22, 2011
A Heartfelt Response
In response to a beautiful woman who reads my blog, this post has been inspired. This is for you N xx
It was God who led me to the decision to home school Jack, and then it was God who led me to the decision to enroll Jack in school.
I think that we put too much pressure on ourselves to have to provide the best we can for our children. We set impossibly high standards for our selves and all the while God is calling-'give them back to me'. When God asked me to home school Jack we lived two hundred meters from the local primary school; I was perplexed, but He was very persistent. Looking back now I can see it was best, because we were going to be moving mid year and this was better for his personality and character. We were going to have enough change in our life, and God knew what was coming. There was no way I could have known what this year held for us as a family-but God does.
As we moved down here to start a new chapter together, God started speaking to me about sending Jack to primary school. I was confused at first, because of my on ideas. I had the idea in my head, that you either sent your children to school, or you were a home schooling family. God has different ideas. And thankfully His ways are well above my own. I have learned not to argue with God, as I can't see our future. As far as I know, we are going to be spending the next 18 months here in Yarra Glen. I don't know what God has in store for us while we are here. Perhaps I will be too busy doing other things for God. Perhaps there is something that he wants each of us to learn through this time. Perhaps he wants Sam and I to have some mummy and son time. Perhaps God wants me to focus on writing for Him. I am still seeking Him each day about his plans for us.
I think Jack's school decisions are a reflection of our everyday walk with God. He is the first One and the last One that I go to for advice. I read His word daily, and as I do He speaks to me. As I wash the dishes, He whispers words into my heart. He confirms what he speaks, by opening doors, and sending people, and providing tokens of affirmation, just at the right time. Living in the way of His Spirit, is something that I still learn, but something I cannot do without. God has given us a unique path, one fraught with many perilous, and challenging obstacles. He alone holds the map, and so I find my help and my contentment in Him, in ALL things.
If you are looking for an answer, if you are carrying a burden, remember that He ALONE holds the map to your future. It is a plan full of adventure, mercy and love. Let him navigate you daily (more frequently if needed) so that his perfect will may be seen in your life. I leave you with this brilliant passage from the pen of Smith Wigglesworth (a word that God gave me just for this post):
O Yeah, Lord, we are ready!
It was God who led me to the decision to home school Jack, and then it was God who led me to the decision to enroll Jack in school.
I think that we put too much pressure on ourselves to have to provide the best we can for our children. We set impossibly high standards for our selves and all the while God is calling-'give them back to me'. When God asked me to home school Jack we lived two hundred meters from the local primary school; I was perplexed, but He was very persistent. Looking back now I can see it was best, because we were going to be moving mid year and this was better for his personality and character. We were going to have enough change in our life, and God knew what was coming. There was no way I could have known what this year held for us as a family-but God does.
As we moved down here to start a new chapter together, God started speaking to me about sending Jack to primary school. I was confused at first, because of my on ideas. I had the idea in my head, that you either sent your children to school, or you were a home schooling family. God has different ideas. And thankfully His ways are well above my own. I have learned not to argue with God, as I can't see our future. As far as I know, we are going to be spending the next 18 months here in Yarra Glen. I don't know what God has in store for us while we are here. Perhaps I will be too busy doing other things for God. Perhaps there is something that he wants each of us to learn through this time. Perhaps he wants Sam and I to have some mummy and son time. Perhaps God wants me to focus on writing for Him. I am still seeking Him each day about his plans for us.
I think Jack's school decisions are a reflection of our everyday walk with God. He is the first One and the last One that I go to for advice. I read His word daily, and as I do He speaks to me. As I wash the dishes, He whispers words into my heart. He confirms what he speaks, by opening doors, and sending people, and providing tokens of affirmation, just at the right time. Living in the way of His Spirit, is something that I still learn, but something I cannot do without. God has given us a unique path, one fraught with many perilous, and challenging obstacles. He alone holds the map, and so I find my help and my contentment in Him, in ALL things.
If you are looking for an answer, if you are carrying a burden, remember that He ALONE holds the map to your future. It is a plan full of adventure, mercy and love. Let him navigate you daily (more frequently if needed) so that his perfect will may be seen in your life. I leave you with this brilliant passage from the pen of Smith Wigglesworth (a word that God gave me just for this post):
'Are you ready to be so in God's plan that you will feel God's hand upon you? You will know that He has chosen you, so you might be a firstfruit unto God. Are you ready for the Lord to have His choice, so that His will may sweep though your very nature, and so that you may know as you have never known before this day of the visitation between you and him?'
O Yeah, Lord, we are ready!
A New Week With New Beginnings
This morning is Jack's first day at Prep at Yarra Glen State School. To say he was excited would be an extreme understatement. I am praying that God gives the teacher strength to get through today. He looked super cute in his uniform, complete with matching beanie.
Now it is just Sam and I at home, and it is incredibly quiet. I am looking forward to having this special time with just he and I, something that we haven't shared unless he has been sick in hospital. The more I know God, the more I am convinced that He knows best ALL of the time. I am a slow learner it seems, that I argue with his requests. He knows all of our hearts better than we know ourselves. Today I feel content, knowing that he holds all of our futures in his hands.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Breaking News
1. Jack is starting school on Monday!
We have successfully acquired special consideration for Jack to complete Prep Year at Yarra Glen Primary School. This is very rarely granted, so we know it is a gift from God, and an answer to many of your prayers. Thank you God! Jack is so excited. We have bought uniforms today and he is looking forward to telling all of the kids about the upcoming Fun Day at ACMA on September 10th.
2. Don is featured as one of the news students in the ACMA Newsletter.
Check out his mug on p 3. Click here to view the newsletter.
3. Don has completed his first NVFR in a very long time today.
In case you are wondering a NVFR, is a planned navigation in which Visual Flight Rules are followed. It was about a 4 1/2hr circuit around the Melbourne control zone.
4. I am finding new strength in God.
He is increasing my faith, as we continue with Him day by day.
We have successfully acquired special consideration for Jack to complete Prep Year at Yarra Glen Primary School. This is very rarely granted, so we know it is a gift from God, and an answer to many of your prayers. Thank you God! Jack is so excited. We have bought uniforms today and he is looking forward to telling all of the kids about the upcoming Fun Day at ACMA on September 10th.
2. Don is featured as one of the news students in the ACMA Newsletter.
Check out his mug on p 3. Click here to view the newsletter.
3. Don has completed his first NVFR in a very long time today.
In case you are wondering a NVFR, is a planned navigation in which Visual Flight Rules are followed. It was about a 4 1/2hr circuit around the Melbourne control zone.
4. I am finding new strength in God.
He is increasing my faith, as we continue with Him day by day.
Hold On for the New Day
My prayer from an honest heart:
God answers:
O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer!
From the ends of the earth,
I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings!
Hear my prayer!
From the ends of the earth,
I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings!
For you have heard my vows, O God.
You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear your name. (Psalm 61:1-5)
God answers:
I hear your cries. Do not be afraid at being overwhelmed. I love that you run to me, that your strength is found in me. I am a strong tower of hope and rest. You will find rest and shelter in me eternally, both now and to come. Continue to lift your eyes and your voice to me, and all of the other things happening around you will fall away, and become like the sand beneath your feet. Delight in me, in this place, and be prepared for a glorious new day. I hold you all in my palm, there is none that can touch you here. As you lay down more of yourself, you become more beautiful with each passing day. I love you daughter.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
SOS-Get Me Away from Myself
Today I have have been my own worst enemy. I am tired, frazzled from being indoors too often with two small boys, and trying to organise a new home, when what we own doesn't quite fit. We still have no answers to whether Jack can continue Prep, or whether Don's medical to fly is approved. A washing line is useless, unless it is indoors in Melbourne, and the copious amounts of mud outdoors mean the boys use many pairs of pants in one day. We are adjusting to having one car, so we either wake in the morning and drop Don to ACMA or we stay at home for the day. We still have no money coming in, as Centrelink takes along time to process anything, this side of next year. Which is fine because we are living on the money we received from our home, all of which has to in the end, pay for Don's study. The boys are watching way too much TV, because their Mum (me), needs serious mental health time.............
Last night I went to women's bible study looking to meet God there, to be uplifted, and I came home feeling worse than when I left. AHHHHHHH!
"Ok, breathe, stop and pray, and claim the promise 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and live righteously and He will give you everything you need'(Matthew 6:33) (and repeat)"
We have had quite a big month, it's going to take some time to adjust. I want you to see that I am human, a wife, a mother, a somewhat frustrated author, and a woman living day by day with the same mundane struggles that we all face. If you can think of us when you pray in the next little while, you would be showing me more love than you can ever know.
xx Nicole
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Something is Missing
Each one of us has a deep seated need to be happy. It is not a want, but a need. People wish us a 'Happy Birthday', 'Happy New Year', 'Happy Christmas', and 'Happy Easter'. We smile at each other to 'cheer each other up', we tell jokes to make others laugh and we give gifts to see joy in the face of another. Each of these gestures bring a small glimpse of joy, happiness and peace, and they are wonderful things to do for another. We seek joy in movies, music, relationships, sex, food, and dare I say it even work, our car, and our home.
The problem with seeking joy in this way, is that it lasts only a short time and then it is gone. So we seek it out more and more to maintain our state of happiness, we work more, we play more, we spend more, all in the hope of filling the gaping hole that is in each of us, a hole that is bottomless, and can only be filled by one thing.
God created us to be filled with himself. He created us with a God shaped hole in our hearts, that can only be filled by him. He is the only one equipped to meet our need to be happy. When I speak of happiness, I don't mean a constantly laughing, hilarious kind of happy. I mean a well known sense of completeness, joy in any circumstance and a peace that cannot be felt any other way. His joy remains even in the darkest of places, in your day to day life, and in the mountain top experiences too. The gaping hole left in each of us when we were separated from God in the Garden of Eden, must be filled by God, so that all of the other things we do in this life, the things we enjoy, do not consume us. Otherwise we become addicted to to our hobbies, activities and experiences, as we try in our own strength to fill the bottomless pit of happiness.
I liken this to when you go and do your grocery shopping. I always make sure I eat something before I go grocery shopping, otherwise I buy what I don't need, and what I would like to eat at that moment. I end up spending much more than I anticipated because I am hungry. So it is with happiness...
If you live life without filling the God shaped hole in your heart, you will find the cost will be more than you can afford.
The problem with seeking joy in this way, is that it lasts only a short time and then it is gone. So we seek it out more and more to maintain our state of happiness, we work more, we play more, we spend more, all in the hope of filling the gaping hole that is in each of us, a hole that is bottomless, and can only be filled by one thing.
God created us to be filled with himself. He created us with a God shaped hole in our hearts, that can only be filled by him. He is the only one equipped to meet our need to be happy. When I speak of happiness, I don't mean a constantly laughing, hilarious kind of happy. I mean a well known sense of completeness, joy in any circumstance and a peace that cannot be felt any other way. His joy remains even in the darkest of places, in your day to day life, and in the mountain top experiences too. The gaping hole left in each of us when we were separated from God in the Garden of Eden, must be filled by God, so that all of the other things we do in this life, the things we enjoy, do not consume us. Otherwise we become addicted to to our hobbies, activities and experiences, as we try in our own strength to fill the bottomless pit of happiness.
I liken this to when you go and do your grocery shopping. I always make sure I eat something before I go grocery shopping, otherwise I buy what I don't need, and what I would like to eat at that moment. I end up spending much more than I anticipated because I am hungry. So it is with happiness...
If you live life without filling the God shaped hole in your heart, you will find the cost will be more than you can afford.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Open The Door!
God speaks to me in the most amazing ways. I am always impressed with his eccentric and meaningful tactics.
While in the midst of the message in church yesterday, a loud and unmistakable voice came from the church foyer, heard well above the Pastor and his message.
No, it was not the Lord Almighty Himself, but our little boy Sam, who had escaped from Kids' Church and was wanting to be with his Daddy. We let him in, and all was well, complete with many giggles from our friends in the church.
Although the voice did not boom from heaven, it resonated throughout the very core of my soul, from the very tips of my hair to the bottom of my feet. God was speaking through my son, directly to me, giving me a message to share with whoever will listen.
His voice is not commanding, but urgent, insistent, and full of love. God will not command you to give your life to him. He gave you free will, so you would make a choice to love him, and to be with him for life eternal. Just as Adam and Eve had a choice all those years ago, we are all making a choice with our daily lives. Do we choose to love God and walk his way, or do we turn our back's and pretend not to hear?
This is not a warning. I don't need to warn you. We all know what happens when life here ceases to go on, our bodies die. Are you willing to take the gamble with your eternal life, that that is where it ends? This is a message, not just for those who do not yet know him, but those who sit in church week after week pretending to be Christians, the reality being that they never talk to God outside of the church building. I am not being harsh and judgemental, but truthful. We are called to be light, we can not be light if we do not spend time with the Light Himself.
Too much is happening in the world each day for people not to think about their mortality in some fashion. So much turmoil and perplexity, disease and natural disaster have this affect on our very human minds. And all the while Jesus is calling:
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.(Rev 3:20)
While in the midst of the message in church yesterday, a loud and unmistakable voice came from the church foyer, heard well above the Pastor and his message.
"Open the door!
"Open the dooor!
"Open the doooooor!"
Although the voice did not boom from heaven, it resonated throughout the very core of my soul, from the very tips of my hair to the bottom of my feet. God was speaking through my son, directly to me, giving me a message to share with whoever will listen.
His voice is not commanding, but urgent, insistent, and full of love. God will not command you to give your life to him. He gave you free will, so you would make a choice to love him, and to be with him for life eternal. Just as Adam and Eve had a choice all those years ago, we are all making a choice with our daily lives. Do we choose to love God and walk his way, or do we turn our back's and pretend not to hear?
This is not a warning. I don't need to warn you. We all know what happens when life here ceases to go on, our bodies die. Are you willing to take the gamble with your eternal life, that that is where it ends? This is a message, not just for those who do not yet know him, but those who sit in church week after week pretending to be Christians, the reality being that they never talk to God outside of the church building. I am not being harsh and judgemental, but truthful. We are called to be light, we can not be light if we do not spend time with the Light Himself.
Too much is happening in the world each day for people not to think about their mortality in some fashion. So much turmoil and perplexity, disease and natural disaster have this affect on our very human minds. And all the while Jesus is calling:
"Open the door! Let me is so I can show you what love is."
"Open the dooor! Let me in so I can give you life that doesn't end."
"Open the dooooor! Let me in so you can know what life is all about."
The doors to our hearts remain closed to God, until we choose to open them.
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.(Rev 3:20)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Read Indulge e-Magazine
We are featured in this month's issue of Indulge e-Magazine. Come and read it, and check out this awesome issue. Enough said.
Don't forget to pop them an email, and win a free copy of Sam's Heart.
You can like their facebook page here. Or better yet subscribe on their webpage to get updates and new issues to your inbox.
What an awesome opportunity to share our story, glory to God.
Don't forget to pop them an email, and win a free copy of Sam's Heart.
You can like their facebook page here. Or better yet subscribe on their webpage to get updates and new issues to your inbox.
What an awesome opportunity to share our story, glory to God.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Clear Prop!
Finally, after a week and half of waiting, the sun peeked through the clouds and brought forth a clear afternoon of flying weather. We left and went to pick up Don, and arrived just in time to see him preparing to take off in his first flight, since we have arrived. Today saw him do just over an hours flying, with the instructor putting him through the wringer to see what he can do. We were all so excited to see him takeoff. He did a touch and go on the first landing, and then landed he second time. Here he is as the boys watched on:
We all let off a big cheer as he taxied in and then parked the Cessna 172. Hallelujah!!! So exciting to see all of this come together after so many years of dreaming and waiting.
The fine weather also meant the boys could play outdoors today. As I vacuumed and made the inside of the house clean, the boys had a fabulous time in the mud that is in the backyard from all of the rain. 'Look Mum, I'm Bear Grylls. No midgies will get me now hey!' I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In the end I laughed, took photos, and let him go. Boys will be boys.
We all let off a big cheer as he taxied in and then parked the Cessna 172. Hallelujah!!! So exciting to see all of this come together after so many years of dreaming and waiting.
The fine weather also meant the boys could play outdoors today. As I vacuumed and made the inside of the house clean, the boys had a fabulous time in the mud that is in the backyard from all of the rain. 'Look Mum, I'm Bear Grylls. No midgies will get me now hey!' I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In the end I laughed, took photos, and let him go. Boys will be boys.
Bear Grylls, from Man vs Wild
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A Tour Of Our New Nest
'No letter in the posty box Mum. Brrr my feet are cold'
We have been tremendously blessed with this little home. It is just perfect for us at this stage of our journey. Still no news on Jack being able to start school, please keep praying. We have been doing little bits of reading and writing this week to get back into it, while we wait.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Whispers To My Heart
Too many words not enough actions.
Too many actions not enough heart.
How will the world see me in you?
It is like trying to light a house with a single candle.
I am the light within you, let me shine.
Let those around you be overcome,
By the wonder of MY light.
I love you daughter. Be still. Jesus xx
Sorry Lord. I am but a shadow in your light. Help me to step aside each day so the brilliance of your light can be seen. xx Nicole
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What We'll Be Doing
On our way to church this morning, at the Maroondah Resovoir, Healesville.
So now you know where we are, I thought I would let you know a little more about what we are doing. God has called us collectively, as a family to serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship. In order to do this, we have moved interstate to Victoria where Don will be studying for the next 18 months. You can read more about our calling here.
Don will be spending the remainder of 2011 at Coldstream Airport, at the Australian Center of Mission Aviation completing his commercial pilot's licence. He will be completing both a Certificate IV in Aviation, and then a Diploma of Mission Aviation -Flight. He has a big workload ahead of him, and needs a whole lot of God's grace to get through the rest of this year. He is excited and is focused, and I am looking to support him however I can. He has just organised uniforms, and has spent the last week getting to know everyone, figuring out a plan for his flight course, and waiting on clearance from CASA for his medical. Next year will be spent at the Melbourne School of Theology, completing a Certificate IV in Ministries and involves such subjects as-Old and New Testaments, Missions, Discipleship, Church History, and Pastoral Care, among others. At the completion of the course at the end of 2012, we will undertake the step of moving to serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship. This first involves some introductory work, and meeting with the supporters God is providing for us to do His work. From what we have discovered here, most of the flight students serve initially in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, accruing flight hours and experience and doing God's work there.
I will be supporting Don as much as I am able, as well as participating in and helping with any activities and ministries alongside him as he studies. I will also be at home with Jack and Sam, making this an exciting but also stable part of our journey. Routine is really important for our little guys. I also look forward to further promoting Sam's Heart, and sharing our story with anyone who will listen. There are many Word Bookstores down this way, so I will be contacting them when we settle down, to look for opportunities for book signings etc. I am also looking forward to continuing my writing, as God has placed a new book in my heart.
Jack will continue with Prep, hopefully at a school (if they will accept him) or at home if that doesn't work out. I am really praying that they will accept our request for special circumstances. Jack has decided he likes our new home because it has a worm farm.
Sam is enjoying our new home and loves the central heating. He looks really well and both of the boys are healthy. He is the talkative one out of the two and is constantly chatting away. He will be at home with me during this next part of our journey.
I love that you are sharing this journey with us. I love that God calls us all to different walks so that we all work together for His glory.
Bless you all
Nicole xx
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wow! Time to update.
We have finally moved into our new home yesterday, after many hiccups and a plethora of prayer. We are tired, worn, excited, comfortable and relived, to have a more permanent place to rest our heads. For those of you who don't know, our home was not ready when we arrived, and and we had to find alternate accommodation in both in the interim, and then a new home. Today is my first day of internet access-how exciting!
Once we get a little more settled into our new abode, I will post some pics, but for now here is a moments of the last few weeks in pictures. To our distant friends. we miss yo and love you. To our new friends, we look forward to getting to know you all better and sharing our God stories.
Above: One last hoorah, with our church family, in Pittsworth. We love you guys!

Above: Empty nest at Pittsworth. We left Pittsworth QLD, on the 23rd July.
Above: Time to start our new adventure. Don has flying on his mind and Jesus in his heart.
Both above: Many antics ensued from the travel pack that Gran devised for the car. It's contents kept us all amused in the car and motels. Thank you Gran!
Below: The foggy drive over the Victorian border was breathtaking. Thick fog and frost created a gorgeous view for our entry to our new home state.
Above: Our interim accommodation for the last nine nights were spent here at IBPL, the Institute of Basic Life Principles, which had on campus accommodation for the short term. Thanks for your help IBPL.
Both above: Countless hours have been spent at the Lilydale Lake and Mostrose parks this week. A great place for me to relax and the boys to let off some steam, while Don was at college and we still had no home.
Above: This is the only photo I have taken so far of our new home. I will add more pictures later. The Magnolia was just so beautiful and was a gift from God as it is just coming into bloom as we move in. A sign of new life, new beginnings and God's perfect timing.
Thank you all for praying for us. We have been carried along by your prayers.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Prayers Answered!
I know, two updates in one day-crazy.
Jack will be starting school very soon, we visit the school in the morning and there will be no problem with him starting!
We have a home approved to rent! We move in on Friday. Halllllllellllujahhhh!!
Praise God with me :) He is awesome! Thank you for your prayer. We feel like we are walking on the water.
Pray that all goes well with the move and that we can settle in to this new place. I look forward to sharing with you more regularly soon.
Jack will be starting school very soon, we visit the school in the morning and there will be no problem with him starting!
We have a home approved to rent! We move in on Friday. Halllllllellllujahhhh!!
Praise God with me :) He is awesome! Thank you for your prayer. We feel like we are walking on the water.
Pray that all goes well with the move and that we can settle in to this new place. I look forward to sharing with you more regularly soon.
Needing Prayer
So we have moved to Victoria. We have arrived to find that the house we had lined up is not ready and we are living in temporary college accommodation until we find a new home. We are comfortable, warm and a little frazzled, but we are finding our feet and we have more peace in our hearts than we did two days ago. Our shipping container full of our only belongings, is sitting in the unprepared home's driveway and we are in the midst of inspecting, applying and praying for a home. We hope to hear back about one of the homes today. We do not have internet access, or a home phone line, or a postal address for that matter-no fixedabode would be my best way of describing it. I am typing this from a new found friend's computer so that I can update you on our circumstances and beg you for your prayers.
Please pray that God would continue to open doors for us to find a home very soon-there are complications with our goods being on another person's property.
Please pray that we all stay well and fighting fit.
Pray for Don as he begins his training today at the Australian Center for Mission Aviation.
Pray for me to keep these two little boys occupied and their hearts and heads as settled as possible.
Pray that Jack will be able to attend school and they will have special consideration for him to start Prep. He misses out on the date cut off by eight days.
Pray most of all that God will be glorified in all we do in both the good times and the turbulent. He is placing amazing people in our path each day to help us.
xx Nicole
Please pray that God would continue to open doors for us to find a home very soon-there are complications with our goods being on another person's property.
Please pray that we all stay well and fighting fit.
Pray for Don as he begins his training today at the Australian Center for Mission Aviation.
Pray for me to keep these two little boys occupied and their hearts and heads as settled as possible.
Pray that Jack will be able to attend school and they will have special consideration for him to start Prep. He misses out on the date cut off by eight days.
Pray most of all that God will be glorified in all we do in both the good times and the turbulent. He is placing amazing people in our path each day to help us.
xx Nicole
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