Friday, June 15, 2012

Pyjama Day

The climate of Victoria, is certainly a vast change to us and still we continue to battle with the cold. The kind of cold that seeps through to your marrow and stays chilled until the hot shower washes it away.  Jeans and jumpers are not enough most days and since we have moved interstate I have had to learn the art of dressing all over again.  Layers are key.  Today was pyjama day at Sam's Kinder.  He went along to Kinder all rugged up wearing a t-shirt, a full tracksuit and then his pyjamas over the top.  he was so snuggly and I couldn't resist sharing some photos with you.

And when he came home...

helping Daddy get the wood for the fire.

Now, maybe if I stayed in my pyjamas all day I would  be warm as certainly is tempting.


GranPa said...

Hi Nicole, I love pj days too. Ian and I have just been sitting around the barbie fire thinking of you all. Jack's shooting star costume looked great. Thanks for the photos. Loveyas

Nicole Watson said...

Oh how we miss you Gran and Pa. One day we will all hang out round the barbie again and all will seem right with the world. Love you. xxxx

Paula Vince said...

Haha, if I'd been the kindy staff, I'm wondering whether I would've wanted to get back to normal clothes in a hurry. Something about working in comfy pyjamas sounds really appealing.

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