Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Praise and Prayer Points

As there are many things swimming around in my heart and head at the moment, I thought I would share them with you, so you can celebrate and believe with us.

Praise with us:

  • Jack is loving school and God answered his prayer by sending him a friend in his class that knows Jesus. He is loving writing and reading, so this is awesome.

  • Sam loves Kinder.  He is exhausted afterward but so energetic while he is there.  He absolutely adores playing with the kids.  His introductory line is : 'Hi guys, I'm Sam', so cute.

  • Sam's cardiologist is in the process of writing us a letter stating that he is happy for Sam to live wherever we are, as long as he can attend his appointments every 4-6 months.  This will be forwarded to MAF, so that our application can continue.

Pray with us:

  • Don is (weather permitting) resitting his practical flight exam tomorrow for his Commerical Pilot's License.  This would take a load off his shoulders and be a really awesome early birthday present for him (and all of us).

  • I am continuing to write my next book and though I am over halfway, I lack the time to really get into it.  I get distracted so easily.  Pray for me to have a focused mind and perseverance to complete what I know I must.

  • Pray for safety in travel, as Don is travelling a lot both in air and on the road. And pray for us that despite the changing weather the walks to school and Kinder will be pleasant.  Also pray that our car continues to motor along, as it is well overdue for a service.

  • Pray for Sam's continued healing, good health and growth.  He is doing really well at present and seems to be back to his normal self. 

  • My Dad is going to have surgery on his foot tomorrow, a surgery that has quite a long recovery.  Please pray for his healing but also for him to rest, relax and make the most of the time he has to be  stationery.

Thank you for believing with us for these things.  Sometimes a monthly newsletter is just not enough! 

Also if anyone has snow gear that they think might fit us.  Could we please borrow it for the Winter if you don't need it?  We are really looking forward to seeing the snow this year and do not have the proper clothes to go.

Love to you all. xx

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