The Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up from the ground—trees that were beautiful and that produced delicious fruit.(Genesis 2:9)
In the last few days we have been delighting in the creation that is around us here in Melbourne. The Dandenongs, and Kinglake have been our most recent visits. Today we bought a child carrier for Sam, as he does not walk very far. Even after sitting and being carried, he is exhausted at the end of the walk and goes to sleep in the car. Jack is enjoying spying wildlife and trees with his new telescope (monocular), and we have even manged to find a few wombat burrows. The weather is gorgeous and so we are making the most of each day. At one of the parks we were surrounded by hundreds of orange and black butterflies, and we have had some often close encounters with Rosellas and King Parrots. In this time we are finding our selves renewed and refreshed with each step we hike. The last six months have been tough and God is teaching us how to laugh and have fun again.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:3)
Wow, I love bushwalking and your photos have reminded me how pretty some of Victoria's rainforests are.
The landscape is truly breathtaking Paula. We cannot get enough of it's beauty. This area has captivated and renewed my love for God's creation. Oh, how I have missed his joy and beauty! x
My husband talks all the time about when he was a boy and he would pack his swag and take to the bush. He still does this on the odd occasion (mind you - now he has a canopy on the back of his ute) but the experiences he had formed a large part of who he is. It's so important for kids to get out and see what nature is all about isn't it. My son is always keen on an adventure 'out bush'. Your boy look like they are just loving it.
Yes, Rose we definitely feel at home in the bush. One day we will have our camping gear again and look forward to taking the boys on short trips. I have many years of camping in my memories as a child. This is where my love of God's creation was nurtured even before I knew Him.
And there is something appealing I believe, about a man roughing it in the wilderness isn't there...hehehe.
Hello Watson Family
We really miss you all. Thanks for the stunning photos - wow, such a refreshing place. Jack is growing so tall. Great carrier for Sam. Thanks for sharing. Love you heaps
Pa and Gran
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