Monday, July 4, 2011

The New Season Approaches

It is a strange and delightful week.  What could be a time of chaos and busyness has been transformed into a quiet time of work and reflection.  As we pack in faith, preparing to move to Melbourne on the 23rd July, all is quiet in the Watson house.  The two little boys are visiting Gran, and with Don at work, I have been left with Jesus to pack, clean and prepare.  It is wonderful to have time to just listen to his every word.  I feel my spirit welling up inside like a spring of water, on the brink of overflow. 
There is work to do yes, but it pales in comparison to the other events of this week.
I have had the joy of spending time with friends before we leave,  wonderful times of deep conversation and encouragement.  I have been blessed with gifts, a new pram for Sam and some beautiful flowers from my husband.  I had been asking God to find me a new pram for Sam,a three wheeler, one that I can do much walking with.  Sam walks very slowly and quickly tires, so to get anywhere at any speed this was a need for us.  A friend of mine found one this week.  I would have been happy with a secondhand dusty  rusty oldy from somebody's shed.  My friend bought me a new one, with all of the bells and whistles!  I was so excited when I saw it.  God gives GOOD gifts.
As God has been pruning us in readiness for the new season, we too have been 'pruning' our possessions, keeping only what we need and what is dear to out hearts.   It is a liberating process that takes time and has happened in waves.  Everything we are taking with us will fit in a small 20ft shipping container.  And we won't even fill this entirely.
I have the joy of being able to share our story of Sam's Heart with a book club in Toowoomba this week.   I am looking forward to sharing our story with more people.

On the 14th of July we are having an unscheduled final appointment with Sam's Cardiologist in Brisbane, to do the final referral to Melbourne.  They will scan Sam's heart on that day.  I have told God I am expecting big things, a change, a sign of hope for his healing.  It has been promised and confirmed many times now, it was to begin soon.  I am believing and living like it has already happened.  God is teaching me now that the promise has gone from my head to my heart, it must now be lived out in my day to day actions.  When I give Sam his medications, I tell him he won't need them much longer.  When we pray together we thank God for Sam's restored heart.  There is no longer any room for doubt in my heart.  The enemy plagues my head with words of doubt and discouragement at times, but I will not entertain them in my mind.  He is quickly cut down with the Word and songs of praise. We are fighting a battle and it is one God will not lose.  We are fighting for the life of my son, and I will not back down for I know who goes before me and who is my rear guard.  He is my strength and my salvation, my rock and redeemer.  His name is Jesus, I will not be afraid. 

Will you join with me in praying, believing and receiving for the miracle you need in your life?

Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.” (Matt 21:21-22)



Paula Vince said...

Hi Nicole,
Looking forward to hearing a great report on the 14th. You're doing a great job, taking all that a big move involves in your stride in your calm way, and I remember how big it is, believe me.
PS The pram sounds like a beauty.

Nicole Watson said...

Thank you Paula :) Moving interstate is certainly an interesting time, but fun too. Looking forward to all God is going to do in our lives.
Love Nicole x

iluvthoseshoes Project said...

So happy for you guys! I have only just caught up on your news that a sale has occurred and you are headed for warm Melbourne. I have loved reading your journey as it has mirrored our current situation in many ways and I have walked beside you in my own flip flop of emotions from excitement to discouragement only to find that our Father was standing there all along with HIs hand outstretched for me. A new season for both us! I wish you wonderful time of blessing in Melbourne and will continue to uphold you in prayer as you search for a new home. Love Charissa

Lisa said...


We're praying for a good report for Sam.
And for the big move!


Nicole Watson said...

Awesome news about you moving also Charissa. You are right about our situations being the same. It's been quite a ride hasn't it? May God bless you and your family with every good gift as you move into this new season with Him. I'm glad we can still keep in touch on the web,as we probably won't be having too many more of those random meets at conferences etc.

xx Nicole :)

Nicole Watson said...

Thanks so much Lisa. Your prayers mean much to me. I too am looking forward to sharing some good news about Sam's Heart. Bless you heaps.
xx Nicole

Mary Hawkins said...

Your move is now only a couple of weeks ago and praying for you all, Nicole. Has been a cold winter in Melbourne where our daughter lives - but hey, you will be much closer to where I live in Tassie! Hopefully we will get to share fellowship some day in Melbourne. Moving is always chaotic and stressful. May you continue to know God's loving directions and strength at this time for you and all your family.

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