Monday, November 22, 2010

The Book-an exciting development

Praise God in Heaven!

A publisher is interested in publishing Sam's Heart-the book.

I am extremely excited to the point that I am speechless.  Those of you who know me, this is  very rare.

He has made a way.

I ask you to praise God with me, for making a way. For opening the heart of the reader. For sending out this work, which was inspired by him. To touch the lives of others who need to hear words of encouragement and hope.  Pray to keep communications between the publisher and myself open anoint the whole process with his Holy Spirit.  Pray that the Lord will make time in the days ahead for me to complete this work while looking after two little boys.

What an amazing day.  I will celebrate today with singing and dancing.  And I will be busy preparing the book for it's next step.
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