Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whispers To My Heart-Command the Mountains!

Don't forget God's promise to you!  Have complete faith in God.  You can command any obstacle blocking your path, to be removed.  You can say to this mountain, "May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea and it will happen".  But you must really believe that it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.  You can pray for anything, and if you believe that you have received it, it will be yours.  Don't listen to the lies of the enemy who comes to steal and destroy.    And remember, when you pray, come to God with a clean forgiven heart so that your sins will be forgiven too.  While you wait, God will increase your faith.  Praise Him while you wait for him to act. 
(Spoken to Nicole from Mark 11:22-25)

These words amaze me.  It is here that Jesus promises that we may ask God for great miracles, and life changing experiences, and they will happen.  There are two conditions to your prayers being answered as you ask:

  • You must come to God with a clean heart-The only way to truly have a clean heart is to know Jesus as your Saviour and be born again into the Kingdom of God.
  • You must ask, believe and then receive. 
Are you living your life, the way God intended?  Be bold and step out in faith.  God isn't backing you up, he is leading the way!


Mary Hawkins said...

Thank you so much for these reminders, Nicole.
Over many years I have discovered that while God definitely hears and answers our prayers, and fulfills ALL His promises always, sometimes our finite minds find it hard to comprehend His responses to our prayers. His time is not always our timing, His answers are not always the ones we think we must have at that period of time, but whatever He seems to do - or not do - there can NEVER be any doubt about His love and that He loves to give to His children what HE alone knows is the very best for them.

Nicole Watson said...

Thanks for leaving your thoughts here Mary. It is true that God's timing is perfect. I think the hardest thing for us is to believe God has answered those prayers without us always seeing the fruits of them. Such is the growth of faith and our relationship with God. One step closer to Him, one day at a time :)

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