Mary was given a great honour, but with that great honour came a life of unimaginable faith. Mary was given a great promise from God.
“Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”(Luke 1:29-33)
Mary was given a choice, to agree to God's great plan or to remain in unbelief.
I too was given a great honour by God in bearing my children. No, they are not Jesus, but I will train them up in His way. I too was given a choice. Do I choose life for Sam or do I choose not to believe, and go my own way. I too was asked to believe God's promise for Sam
'Sam will live and have life in abundance. He will tell the nations of my healing power.'
Mary remained faithful to God even when it meant she would be rejected. Mary was scorned by those she loved, and the community around her, even some who were close to her for believing in God's promise to her. They did not believe that she had been visited by an angel and carried the Son of God.
I too was condemned by those that thought Sam's life would count as naught. That it would have been more merciful and less painful to let him die.
During her pregnancy and after Jesus birth Mary was miraculously protected by God and covered by His favour, because she lived in faith and blessing.
I too have seen and tasted of God's saving power and desire to live in the shadow of the Almighty. There is no life outside of Him.
Mary watched in awe as Jesus taught those around Him about the Kingdom of God, from a young age.
I too marvel at how much God speaks to and reveals to my children.
Mary had to let her son go and do His Father's work.
We too are called to surrender our children to God and He will guide all of their ways.
Mary had to endure watching those around her mock and ridicule Jesus for His life and His ways. She too was mocked and cast aside for her unwavering faith in God's promises.
I too have watched as friends and family have pulled away, as they try to comprehend with their minds the truth of God's promises. God's promises are not discerned with the mind, they are understood by the heart. I know the words which they speak, but choose to believe God's promise for Sam.
Mary looked on as Jesus suffered and was killed, still not understanding the magnitude of God's unfolding plan.
I too must trust that despite Sam's surgeries and procedures that God's plan is perfect and that all things work together for the good of those that love Him.
Mary grieved for the pain she saw her Son endure, but also for the apparent dissolution of God's promise to her, as she witnessed Jesus die.
I too have grieved that the time of God's promise has passed. My heart breaks, and then I am reminded that He works outside of time.
I too will see the fruit of God's promises in our lives, not only for Sam but for all of our family. God is faithful, I say this with all assurance.
Yes when I get to meet Mary face to face and our eyes meet, I will smile with her and rejoice with her as we celebrate what God has done, from the heart of one blessed mother to another.
The book that I have recently read is called A Lineage of Grace, by Francine Rivers
What an awesome post. I love taking the time to consider that she was a mother who had her vulnerabilities when it came to her children, and came to the end of her rope just as we all do. I'm going to love meeting her face to face too.
Great post Nicole. We can learn so much from Mary. I too love that book Francine Rivers is my hero. How I'd love to be able to write that well.
I have also read this book - really loved fact reading through this makes me think I will read it again x
Francine Rivers has such a beautiful gift of writing. My bible study read that book together - and it was so encouraging to learn about the women of the bible that God used in His story of redemption for us.
The faith of Mary and the other women in 'Lineage of Grace' (and others in the bible) are so encouraging - they didn't know what lay ahead, but they simply trusted.
I have read this book too - and loved it. Great post Nicole
It certainly will be wonderful to meet Mary Paula.
Hi Jo, Franceine certainly does write very well. I am impressed with her biblically correct accounts that send me scurrying off to compare with scripture.
Enjoy it all over again Danni. It would be good to read being pregnant too :)
Hi Debbie
It would be an amazing book to do in a small group. I am sure you all gleaned so much wisdom.
Thanks Rose, I can't belive I missed reading it this long!
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