Tuesday, January 31, 2012

That Pesky Thorn

When you write a book, there is a whole lot more to it, than seeing it published.  You see unless you speak about your book and share your story with others, no one else will ever know about it.  I must say I actually enjoy this part of being a writer.  I know many do not, but I love telling others our story, asking them theirs, and praying for them.  I get to do really cool things like appear in magazines and even on TV, for the sake of spreading the word.  Sometimes when I sit at home in my leggings and t-shirt watching Playschool with my kids, I have a nagging voice that challenges me:

Look at you now, imagine if those people that read your book could see you now.  You are nothing special. 

and do you know what, the enemy is right to a point.

I am nobody, but I am more than he can contend with because I know Jesus.  Jesus uses those who 'don't look like much', to do things for Him because He knows they are not in it for the glory.  I would rather be reminded by the enemy that I am nothing each day, than puff up with pride and fall prey to his schemes.  Maybe God even allows his pestering to keep me humble, kind of like Paul's thorn in the side.

I have learned to use what the enemy would use to tear me down, to challenge me to act instead.  When I don't feel like doing any more promotion, or contacting media, or even writing, THEN I KNOW I MUST DO IT.

And when I do, I know I have overcome his annoying overtones.  What the enemy intends to destroy, God uses for my good and His glory.

So today I have set up an author page on Facebook, so that I can share all about writing, speaking, and the like, while giving my personal Facebook friends a rest.  Come and 'like' it and share it with your friends. Click the link below:


This month our story about Sam also appears in the Signs of the Times magazine.

Our lives must shout about God, and whisper about ouselves.


Anonymous said...

That is great! What a way to get the story out.

Nicole Watson said...

Thank you lovley lady :)

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