Sunday, September 30, 2012

Four Years of Victory

We are celebrating today. Sam is seriously so excited  that I don't think I have seen him sit still yet.  As I watch him run and sing and dance and play, I am overwhelmed with a thankful heart.  Thankful for all God has done for Sam and for us as a family.  Jack and Sam are very good mates and I love watching them grow and learn together, through the fun and not so fun. Jack protects Sam and includes him in all of his games, no matter who else is near.  Sam looks up to Jack and strives to be just like him. 

I remember vividly when we were asked to take Sam's life, when everything was out of my control and the world seemed so big. The time when Sam was nestled softly in the safety of my womb. It was then God reminded me that He was bigger and Sam was His, though he was trusted to us.

And then this day four years ago I laid my eyes upon our son and a new note of love was played in the world for the first time. Sam David Watson, came into the world, and forever changed mine.
And now I look at him and I marvel at his exuberance for life, his belief in the goodness of others and his love that reaches out to all around.  I am in awe of God and his love for us. 

This past week we received a letter with the enclosed passage taken from "Australian Stories of Life". An expression of God's promise to Sam.
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Goliath? Who cares! My God is bigger than you!  You may be massive.  Your strength might overwhelm me if I were alone. BUT you have no dominion over me.  I am God's.  This will be messy.  Blood will be spilt.  But when God and I are finished, I will hold your head high as a symbol of your failure to ruin my life.  I will show you off to others and they will celebrate with me.  You will not prevail! God will not allow it!" 
And so as we head into the next year, our faith is renewed and we are reminded of the triumph that is to come.  This year may be one of surgery and hospitals but our eyes and hearts are not fixed there. Life is to be lived with passion, void of fear and doubt. 
Happy birthday little Sam.  We love you. xx

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