Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 11-Post Fontan

Today was a very long and drawn out day of waiting. We were blessed to have visitors though. I am so thankful to everyone who has made the effort to try and see us, even if we have had to say no at times due to not so great days.
We are all growing very weary right now. In essence we have been in hospital for three weeks if we include the catheter procedure. Each day we watch Sam's drain as it slowly dwindles by only 10 ml a day.  Each day decreasing but not enough to be removed as yet and then the realisation that once again we will be staying another day.

But these are not problems. I refuse to complain when I see so may families struggling and fighting for the lives of their children.  Seeing families that have been in hospital six months with little improvement. our family is blessed and Sam's recovery has been remarkable. We are praying that his drainage does stop soon though, to avoid any sort of complications.

We are going to need a whole lot of rest and relaxation when we finally get out of here, but we are leaving with our son healthy, walking and talking a life of victory.  Praise God for his faithfulness.

We are on autopilot at the moment and each day runs into the next. Each morning I wake and God gives me His peace, a new infusion of strength and enough joy to spill over to those around us. 

Sam captures the hearts of those around us with his vibrant personality and his ability to overcome. His pain is not in vain, we continue on to step up to the next level, a life that offers new hope, new promises, new possibilities. 

None of our lives are easy. But it's in the hard times we learn all about who we really are.  Because when under pressure and pain all pretenses are stripped away revealing out true heart. I am no longer afraid of the process, though painful,  it keeps me real. Some people tell me that I feel things too deeply. I count that as a blessing.  It is through taking the emotions in and dealing with them in prayer that I am who I am.  I am not afraid of how I feel.  What I am afraid of is becoming numb to what we endure, to what I see, to those we meet.  I believe it would be worse to let our love grow cold and feel no compassion. Sometimes love is painful, but is is worth every tear.


Anonymous said...

Hey Cole, you are you who are, beautifully and wonderfully made, with a God given ability to feel and express yourself as God intended. God gave you your passion,you don't need to apologise for it, it makes you who you are. We love you, take care of your boys. Sam is looking great! We'll keep praying that drain will stop! Love the Laws.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole it is so wonderful to see those rosy cheeks on your little man. One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you Lord help me today, show me the way one day at a time. You really are an inspiration and blessing to me as you share your faith. Jesus felt very deeply, so deeply He gave His life, are we as true followers to strive to be more like Him. Thank you for being you. Love Kel Kinnear

Anonymous said...

What a happy smile! Hang in there! I was in the hospital for four will become a memory, I promise.

Unknown said...

Your continually a Loving, Christian Woman who Inspires us no end. AND for what Sam & all of you have been through makes you God's most courageous Warriors!! Thank you for answering HIS call so amazingly.

Gloria said...

Lovely pic of you and Sam. You do look tired but full of joy just the same.

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