
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Substance of Faith

What is faith?  It is the very nature of God.  Faith is the Word of God.  It is the personal inward flow of divine favour, which moves in every fiber of our being until our whole nature is so quickened that we live by faith, we move by faith, and we are going to be caught up into glory by faith!  Faith is the glorious knowledge of a personal presence within you, changing you you from strength to strength, from glory to glory, until you get to the place where you walk with God, and God think and speaks through you by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Oh, it is grand! Oh, it is glorious! (Smith Wigglesworth, taken from the Smith Wigglesworth Devotional 1999)

Today I am so thankful for the gift of faith; God living in me, changing me day by day to be more like Jesus.  When I look back at my walk in faith, I can see from where I have come.  It is not like that at the present, we are often unable to see how present circumstances in our lives are of any benefit to us, or God.  But we must trust that He knows.  And it is the eternity to come, that we will stand holding hands with Jesus, and look back at how His hand was upon us in every season.
He speaks to my heart today, and whispers so much love, so much encouragement:

'Keep going my love, one step in front of the other, my presence will change not only you, but also the hearts of others.  It's all about faith, it's all about trust, and I know your heart. '

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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`♥ Nicole