
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Five Mice and One Blind Woman

Last night we caught five mice in our trap.  I must admit I was shocked.  I knew we had one or two, but not five!  We are having a small plague at the moment due to the rain and now the cooler weather.  They had been frustrating me for weeks but we finally found out where they were hiding and caught them all overnight.  I do not like having mice indoors. They leave their tell tale signs all around the house, their smelly little calling cards.  They munch through wrappers to get to food and it unnerves me to see them scamper across the room while I type on the computer.
Sin is just like these mice you know.  Sin comes in quietly, sneaks in while you are not looking and makes itself at home, out of your sight.  But while you slumber, on the sly it begins to eat at you, a nibble here a nibble there, not so you notice too much, but it frustrates you. Then you start to notice the mess, the damage that it is doing in you life.  You may snap at a loved one, you may be worrying, tired, stressed and worn.  And then suddenly you realise what is wrong, there is something that has been left unchecked.  Something that has been let in and not dealt with.  Something that has been trying to get past you by being in the background but is really causing much damage. And not only that but soon it multiplies, just like the mice.

 I for one have had enough of these mice. Enough is enough I say!  I am taking care of you this minute.  The traps are set.  No longer will I ignore the little concerns on my heart.  I will take them to God and let Him deal with them, no matter how small they may seem. 

I wonder if you will pray for me over the next little while.  I have many new things happening in the next month or two.  I am speaking on the radio about Sam's Heart, I am attending a conference and speaking at one too.  I am doing magazine articles and speaking with and sharing with many poeple about Sam's Heart.  There are far to many "I"'s in this paragraph for my liking. Help me to keep my mind and heart focused on God.  These are all things that I have not done before and I know God will equip me to do what He has asked. I guess I would ask for his protection, guidance and wisdom to do all he has called me to do, so that he may be glorified. 

PS.   Sam now weighs 11.5kg.  Praise God with me!


  1. Fantastic analogy about sin.
    So many great things happening - so many opportunities to let God shine :)

  2. Yes, too many nibbles at my heels at the moment. I need to crack those little mice on the head before the next few months take off. Bless you for you encouraging words Narelle :)

  3. Mice give me the heebie-jeebies! Even this photo. I'm glad you're winning the battle against these pests, as well as other life battles.
    Blessings :D

  4. Haha Paula. Then you would no what I mean about mice and sin being relative!

  5. I have to agree with Paula - mice give me the heebie geebies too!!!!

  6. :D Hahaha..don't come and visit us at the moment then. Jack wants to keep them as pets.
